

Started by February 11, 2000 02:14 PM
3 comments, last by Moe 25 years ago
I am trying to make a windows 98 program with borland C++ 5. Can i do this? I typed in the skeleton for a window but my compiler gave me some funny errors, mostly about not defined functions. can i get some help here?
I''m a VC++ user myself and have never done Borland with DirectX/Windows. However, from the sound of it you don''t have you''re search paths for you''re headers/libs setup correctly, hence the undefined functions. Hope that helps,

thanks. that did run across my mind, but there is still one little problem. How do i set up my search paths and header/libs? i know how to do it in vC++ (it said how to do it in a book on directX). maybe i should play around with the settings and maybe i will stumble across it...

- Moe -
Go to "Project Options" (right click any node in the project view and choose "Edit local options...")...magic! There it is! Under the "Directories" topic
Wow, thanks. I''ll give it a try!

If there is any way i can help you, just ask.

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