
a few questions(please reply)

Started by February 11, 2000 02:03 PM
5 comments, last by ^TeSt^ 25 years, 1 month ago
i have a few more Q''s 1.can i convert my games from a pc game to a psx game? 2.can i make custom movements frame by frame with 3d charcters? 3.what code is used for psx games? 4.can create a player be used with c/c++? i plan on making a wrestling games after i learn the basic things needed to make a good game
1. depends on how you make your pc game. most likely not without a lot of changes. so in other words, no. you may need to be licenced by sony also...i never looked into those things though.

2. yes

3. c/c++. probably some asm for psx cpu also.

4. what? eh? is that drunk talk you got there? what''s "create a player"?

Carl "trixter"[][/email]
create a player is where you can..create a player..this very popular for sports games and very very very popular for wrestling games
Here is my advice. If English is not your native language, try to be a little more descriptive and I am sure everyone will do their best to help you. Sometimes thoughts don''t translate very well, and details and meaning are lost. No biggie. Just try again. If English IS your native toungue, graduate junior high, buy a damn book, and take a damn programming class.

create a player=a mode that lets people create a guy/girl that they can play in the game..
Yes you can. I suggest taking some sort of programming class or buying a beginner book. You will realize that the "can a player" question that you asked is akin to someone asking if they can write a good novel in English. Of course it can be done but there is far more to getting it accomplished.

Hope this helps.

Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.
Yeah. The most important thing to remember with programming is that NOTHING is automatic! (Well, almost nothing ) You can do almost anything in C/C++, you can do anything that has been done in any video game so far, and more, but it''s not as simple as a menu command or a function call. You have to code a lot of it yourself, which is impossible before you at least know the language. And for advanced things, you''re gonna have to have a lot of experience too.

Jonathan Little

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