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Windows Game Programming for Dummies

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13 comments, last by xstreme2000 24 years, 4 months ago
IDGs Windows Game Programming for Dummies - I have seen this book mentioned alot in many places. If any one has it or has read it can you pleeze tell me if you think it is worth buying?
I kinda thought it sucked. I only read the first 200 pages or so though, then i dropped it and read the DirectX docs . Anyways, the biggest reason I didn''t like it was the really crappy translation (to swedish). Kinda bugs me when they translate computer terms such as word and dword. Im sure its better in English. But still, without it I probably wouldn''t have learnt as fast (slow?) as I did.

-- Staffan
WGPFD is pretty good, but you''d be better off with LaMothe''s latest, Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus. It covers everything in WGPFD and then some.

If you know C and/or C++ pretty well, but haven''t done much game programming and you''re new to DirectX, then the book is a good buy.
I found Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus to be a little buggy and inaccurate. Worst of all the book says it covers 3d and does not cover 3d at all. It is like false advertising. I think Inside DirectX was alot more thorough and well though out for all but D3d stuff. I also thought the DirectX SDK docs better - especially if you need Direct3d coverage. Lastly, "Real-time Rendering" by Tomas Moiller is awesome for 3d coverage (not api specific).
Yeah, there are a few bugs and inaccuracies in Tricks, but I think it''s more appropriate for beginners than Inside DirectX. In LaMothe''s defense, the book does not cover 3D because it is a 2 volume set, but the decision to make a second volume was not made until late in the production of the book.

Real-Time Rendering is great too, but again, I wouldn''t recommend it to a total beginner.
Despite the typos and such in Tricks of the Windows game programming Gurus I loved it, other then Windows Game Programming for Dummies it was my first taste of DirectX programming and definitaly recommmend it to any beginner. A bonus of buying either book is that they come with a free, somewhat generic..BUT FREE, graphics, sound and input engines that Andre through togehter while writing the book...good enough to get simple games like Pong, Breakout ect..

it''s good, but don''t but WGPFD then any of lamothe''s other books (maybe "black art of 3d game programming") because they just cover the same stuff over and over...
I have both WGPFD and Tricks of the win prog gurus, I like em both, I havent read all of the later but in directx it covers almost the same as the WGPFD, just a little bit more
Plus you get info on AI andphysics and stuff, and thats what I need
staffan - I stood in a bookstore and glanced on the swedish version of Win game programming for dummies, but then just realised that the translation always sux, so I went home and orderd from Amazon.com

Martin Björklund
Diemonex Games
Diemonex - It sure does. The problem with amazon it that it takes years for the book to arrive if you dont spend an extra fourtune to get it shipped by airplane.
I''ve read the Swedish translation too. And it did really suck. For example, in one chapter it looked that the translator failed to do a correct search and replace of an DirectX interface name, so everwhere in the chapter it was mispelled (or repated or something, don''t remember exactly). Someone totally new to DX or C/C++ would probably get really lost.

It clearly shows that the translator didn''t know much about programming. I got so annoyed while reading it so I wrote a letter to the publisher (IDG Sweden). But still no answer... (and that was years ago)

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