
Is it e-nuff to start---->

Started by January 26, 2002 02:35 AM
14 comments, last by code_fx 22 years, 7 months ago
I cant program pretty good with iterations and functions. My array skills have not quit matured yet. but my question is, will the knowledge of functions and iterations be enough to make a 2-D game... I know a game is nothing more than a common loop...
You should try posting all your very-similar questions in one thread, not in several.

To say a game is "nothing more than a common loop" shows that no, you don''t know enough yet. A game is a piece of software that requires a wide skill set - so much so that I have met a couple of people who have written small operating systems yet couldn''t finish a game.

Arrays are trivial. If you can''t understand those yet, work on understanding them. Arrays are the basic building block on which all simple computing rests. Later on, you will need to appreciate indirection (eg. pointers) and dynamicly-allocated structures, but it all starts with understanding arrays.

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quote: Original post by Kylotan
You should try posting all your very-similar questions in one thread, not in several.

To say a game is "nothing more than a common loop" shows that no, you don''t know enough yet. A game is a piece of software that requires a wide skill set - so much so that I have met a couple of people who have written small operating systems yet couldn''t finish a game.

Out of curiosity, what kind of games were they trying to make?

I agree that making games is difficult, though. It involves nearly every aspect of programming! The only big subject that I haven''t encountered in games is database programming. But I guess even that is neccesary now with these huge MMORPG''s that keep track of thousands of players'' accounts.

Why do you type "e-nuff" when the correct spelling "enough" is actually the same length? I''m pretty sure it''s not because it''s shorter to write.
using that logic, why type r0x0rz when you could type rocks? Its just internet slang, get used to it

"I''ve learned something today: It doesn''t matter if you''re white, or if you''re black...the only color that REALLY matters is green"
-Peter Griffin
"I've learned something today: It doesn't matter if you're white, or if you're black...the only color that really matters is green"-Peter Griffin
quote: Original post by matrix2113
using that logic, why type r0x0rz when you could type rocks?

I type "rocks." 133t-speak is lame.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
TO be frank, writing an OS requires VERY different skill sets in this day and age. Yeah it might''ve helped in the DOS age, but not now.

Could the guys who did Linux write a game? offense to them, but a game is not an OS.

The sad thing about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
Promit: I''ve written both... and a LOT of the stuff from one is useful for the other.

Billy -
yea, like knowing a programing language =) used in both cases! NEwayz, r0x0rz=pwn3d, jU guyz, its so much farther now, Y0U \/\/1LL B3 4551/\/\1L473|), R351574|\|( 15 FU71L3!
"I want to make a simple MMORPG first" - Fenryl
quote: Original post by Promit
Could the guys who did Linux write a game? offense to them, but a game is not an OS.

As a professional operating systems programmer currently working on the Linux operating system and also a game programmer in my own time I can tell you that the people who wrote the Linux kernel could indeed write a game. While it is true that there is some garbage in the Linux kernel, I have personally seen brilliance in there as well. There are many similiarities between OSes and games, mainly that they both encompass a wide variety of topics. Software is software when it comes down to it. It is all a matter of what one spends time learning and doing the most. A good coder is a good coder.

Contrary to popular belief, low level, bug free coding is NOT easy. Operating systems programmers have to be worried about interfacing with hundreds of different hardware configurations, memory management/swapping, interrupt routines, kernel context switching, multiprocessing, crash recovery, resource allocation, incredible efficiency, TCP/IP stacks, kernel API''s, and a level of security that game programmers never even dream about. All those OS specific API''s that you game programmers use were written by somebody. There are a lot of blood, sweat, and beers into those API calls.

One can say that graphics programmig is intense too but it is only a small subset of games programming anyway. I must admit that I find MVC (Model View Controller) windowing systems quite a challenge.

Game programming is intense, but operating system''s programming is intense^2.


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