
blt fx bltfast

Started by February 06, 2000 07:09 AM
0 comments, last by Fresh 25 years, 1 month ago
Taken in by the fact that Blt is 10% slower than BltFast I’ve been going through my code writing clipping routines and converting calls to Blt to BltFast. However, one of my classes carries the information for the bitmap it describes in terms of rotation from 0 – 180 degrees. To achieve the other side of the semicircle I Blt it MIRRORED and FLIPPED. Alas, with BltFast I see this is not possible. In this case would Blt be faster than mirroring and flipping at write time via software than using Blt and the mirroring and flipping or should I bite the bullet and rotate the full 360 degrees during init – so I can use Blt everywhere. ? Thanx, Fresh
BltFast would be faster than Blt about 10% in "Software Blt", but it''s the same speed in "Hardware Blt"... I think it''s not too much different whatever you use Blt or BltFast...

Anyway, BltFast can perform in Video Memory Surface...

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