
D3D Viewports

Started by February 05, 2000 10:05 PM
0 comments, last by SeanHowe 25 years, 1 month ago
Ok, I''m coding a simple 3d modeling program for the 3d file format my engine uses, and I''m having trouble changing the veiwport so it draw a different view of the scene in 4 different areas like 3dsmax does. Any ideas on why this is?
Hi !!

Can you give us a more precise Explanation, what''s wrong, what does not work ?? It''s really very important, that you do not use an Exclusive-Mode as you would do if you are doing stuff fullscreen. Check your D3D-Init for Exclusive stuff. Because if DirectDraw is set to exclusive mode only one application/one instance can use DirectDraw, and if you set up 4 views this won''t work in exclusive mode.

Phillip Schuster

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