quote: Original post by medovids
But how would I generate so many dif. personalities?
I would think the creation of the different personalities to be as simple as creating simulated people with emotional, sociological and intellectual attributes; similar to what is done in the game The Sims but on a larger scale.
I have started working on something similar and in this I have created a few C++ classes to create my simulated people (from now on referred to as Citizens). In my simulation, the first 4 citizens are created from scratch and the remainder are paired up and created from the first 4. This allows for mutations. I am using the MercTwist to generate random numbers for the attributes but I have found the creation of citizens from a set to be a better representation of society (in my game the citizens also have political attributes and studies have shown that parents impact the child’s political viewpoints).
After you create some citizens you would then update their ‘feelings’. When would you do it? Good question – some fixed interval might work, but in a stock market simulation why not just randomize when everyone’s ‘feelings’ change. Better yet, if you divided the citizens into regions and selected a region that would drive the other regions (like NY and LA drive middle America) that would be more realistic.
I hope I have given you some ideals – and if you need some example code I might consider showing you how I create my citizens but the rest would be up to you.
Dave "Dak Lozar" Loeser