
Windows programming with DX 8

Started by January 12, 2002 11:27 PM
0 comments, last by superdood13 22 years, 8 months ago
I am about to switch versions of windows but I have heard different things about the compatibility with certain versions of windows. Did I just misunderstand or is there a certain version that is actually better? I have ''98 right now and was thinking about doing either 2000, or XP, but I''ve heard alot of mixed reviews so any comments would be helpful... I''m still a newbie so if this is a really dumb question then go easy on me ok? JoshMan
If the world didn't suck we would all fly off!
For now, I would advise going with 2000. XP is still finding its feet; there''s a lot of people trying to hack it and all the usual anti-Microsoft inspired attacks. If you don''t think you''ll be able to afford two upgrades in a relatively short period of time, then just go all the way to XP (you can disable the extra stuff to make it essentially a newer Win2k).

And never use the Home Editions.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!

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