
File Format (3D Files)

Started by February 04, 2000 02:58 AM
2 comments, last by Scorpion 25 years, 1 month ago
Where can i find a Document\Faq\Textfile\Tutorial on how to use and make 3D Files? For example with truespace? I have seen this program (don''t know how it works, but ok.. ;-) and heard that you can convert this one way or the other to your own format? and how the hell can you get this on the screen then? ok thnx. --
icq# 10251921
- Find a way to extract triangles from any 3D format you wish. .3DS is a good choice since a lot of readers are available, and a lot of programs can export .3DS.
A long time ago I used the code that can be found in the file 3DSRDR14.ZIP

- Push the triangles though a 3D pipeline (Tranformation, Clipping, Lighting, Projection, Rasterisation), either your own or one from an API such as OpenGL/Direct3D/Glide.

- And you have an image.

I suggest that you delve into 3D programming first, get a cube rotating on your screen. This gives you a basic understanding of 3D. Then proceed to model importing.

The best way to learn this is writing your own software renderer, but if you find this too much work, I recommend OpenGL+GLUT. This is very easy to set up and learn, and there are good tutorials available.


ok thnx.. just wonderd..

i''m reading tutorials all over the world to learn it, so that won''t be a problem to find them...

icq# 10251921
What did they do, disable the tags? Haven't been able to use html in ubb for a long time.<br><br><a href="http:\\">http:\\</a><br><br><br>Edited by - Veldrik on 2/7/00 8:03:23 PM

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