
C++ for dummies, is it good or not?

Started by January 11, 2002 08:14 AM
4 comments, last by elis-cool 22 years, 8 months ago
I''ve just started C++ programming and so got C++ for dummies yesterday and am already halfway through and am wondering if people think this is a good book to learn from or not?. Also it does not include anything on windows programming so what would be best (a book or website maybe) to go onto after that? as I want to learn all this before I even touch game programming.
You just bought the book, and you're already half-way through
it? You must be a fast reader. But anyway, it's a good book,
from what I read in it. A good amout of humor/with seriousness.
There are some times where he doesn't explain everything in the
code, and you have to look elsewhere for an explanation, but I only found myself doing that a couple times - nothing really to worry about.

After you finish that book, you might want to get "Programming
Windows, the Definitive Guide to the Win32 API" by Charles
Petzold, and "Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus"
by Andre Lamothe (TOTWGPG doesn't teach you EVERYTHING there is about Windows Programming, but it teaches you how to develop games for it).

Sorry, but I don't know of any sites, that teach Windows
Programming. I hate reading turtorials off the computer. I'd
rather have a book.

Edited by - Brian Jones on January 11, 2002 9:47:51 AM
I don't have a signature
i don''t think dummies books are good, they teach you very very slowly but very very well, meaning, you''ll learn less than reading a different c/c++ book,
http://www.dualforcesolutions.comProfessional website designs and development, customized business systems, etc., is a good place to start with windows programming, but I'm pretty sure you're not ready for it. I'd spend at least a month or two making simple console programs and getting the basic language constructs down. Of course, reading is extremely important, but it won't get you anywhere if you don't practice and experiment.


Edited by - kvh on January 11, 2002 10:50:11 AM
I think that ''Visual C++ 6 for Dummies'' is a great book and I''ve learned a lot from it. I also have ''C++ for Dummies'' since it came with Visual C++ but until I am waiting until I finish the first book because ''C++ for Dummies'' is a little more advanced.

O and ya I also read these books at superfast speeds which I starting to wonder about since I read other books very slowly...
If you ask for my personal POV,

This book sucks...and not very organised.
Try C++ from the ground up by Herbert Schildt/ Osborne

The road may be long, wind may be rough. But with a will at heart, all shall begone. ~savage chant
The road may be long, wind may be rough. But with a will at heart, all shall begone. ~savage chant

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