
stupidest titles of games

Started by January 10, 2002 07:12 PM
69 comments, last by grine 23 years, 1 month ago
Actually rk,

The story I heard is that Square was strapped for cash when they were writing the first Final Fantasy and named it based on the fact that it would be their last gamble if it failed... of course, as we all know it didn''t.

Dumb game title? Anything with "Dark" or "Blood" in it sounds corny to me... and a number of poorly translated Japanese titles are absolutely priceless.


You can''t have "civilization" without "civil".
----------------------------------------------------SpittingTrashcanYou can't have "civilization" without "civil".
You asked, so here''s some:

Revenge of Doh
Better Dead Than Alien
Super Hang On
Mouse Trap
Floid the Droid
Slap Fight
Pepsi Challenge
Fire Blaster
Rodeo Games
Plipery Sid
He - Man
Puffys Saga
Sex Vixens
Bootiful Babe
Rosemary racoon
Kennedy approach
Leisure Suit Larry
Freddy Hardest
Kill Dozers
Ayatolla invaders
Dragons of Flame
Legend of Duel
Bob Morane Jungle
Super Wonderboy
Gone Fishing
Who Maimed Roger Rabbit
Brick Busta
Rockstar ate my Hampster
Ninja Spirits
Eskimo Games
Count Duckula
Venus The Flytrap
Blinks Scary School
Miami Mice
Esc from the Planet of Robot Monsters
Edd the Duck

I really could go on, AND ON, AND ON, AND ON, but I''m guessing this is a bit much anyways.
Yeah, square was going bankrupt and put any remaining funds into making one last game: Final Fantasy.
But as we all know it was a huge success, and the profits saved the company, now there one of the biggest software companies.
"Though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, iwill fear no evil, for i am the meanest motherfucker in the valley."
Heh heh-- Jurassic Park. =) Speaks for itself, really.

How about Legend of Zelda? It''s called Zelda, yet you play as Link. It''s called LEGEND of Zelda, yet there is no legend in the game about a princess named Zelda, just the princess herself.

Or how about Lemmings? It''s called Lemmings, yet you play as these creepy little guys that you actually WANT to die. And they look nothing like real lemmings.
Original post by Sethius
The stupidest title I ever encountered was a game for SNES called

Hey Punk, Are you Tuff Enuff?

I almost bought it just for that title.

I remember that game! (LOL) Almost bought it myself just for the name.

And what about Lufia? I''m sorry Lufia just sounds funny to me. It''s like something you''d hum in the shower or something and not notice. And then there was the actual game... Can I please shoot myself now... PLEEEASE??

Also, anyone remember a little game called... Tetris?
Just browsing but how about this:
Street Fighter II Turbo Alpha

Why did it take so many iterations before they finally now got to Street Fighter III?!

(Gorgeous graphics)+(beautiful sound effects)+(symphonic music)+(no gameplay) != Good game
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
Original post by Anonymous Poster
Games do not affect children! I mean if Pac Man affected us we would be running round in darkened rooms, eating magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music!

I have a shirt that says that! B-)

(Gorgeous graphics)+(beautiful sound effects)+(symphonic music)+(no gameplay) != Good game
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
I object! Lufia was a very solid RPG, if you take into account its age, anyway. And Lufia II is among Chrono Trigger and FFIII as the best RPGs on the SNES.

On topic tho, the dumbest game name I can remember would probably Off Road Redneck Racing. Another safe bet is Panty Raider. Sure, they may be funny, but I''m laughing at them.
-Arek the Absolute"The full quartet is pirates, ninjas, zombies, and robots. Create a game which involves all four, and you risk being blinded by the sheer level of coolness involved." - Superpig
Original post by Arek the Absolute
I object! Lufia was a very solid RPG, if you take into account its age, anyway. And Lufia II is among Chrono Trigger and FFIII as the best RPGs on the SNES.

I always got irritated at the battles. Every time you''re about to kill a monster, it just escapes and calls its bigger stronger buddy, so little teacup battles end up taking about an hour to beat. Remove that, and it''s a much better game. Leave it in, and I refuse to play it. I could pick on the unoriginal story-- another one of those "Promised One" deals-- but it''s just a game.

And if we''re gonna pick on weird character names, bad titles, and dumb games in general, well... Have you ever played a game called "Hybrid Heaven?"
Every time I hear "Solid Snake" I think I missed out on the exciting prequel "Wire-frame Snake"... and of course I look forward to "Bump-mapped Snake" as well.

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