
DirectX6 -> DirectX8 Difficulty?

Started by January 07, 2002 08:54 AM
2 comments, last by brewknowc 22 years, 8 months ago
Hi, just wondering how hard it is to start learning directx 8 after already having learned 6... I know there''s some different ways to do things and such. Anyone who has made this jump, can you tell me if it was ok? Thanks
- Free Your Mind -
It depends. Which part of DirectX? If you mean Direct3D, then switch immediately! It's gone from pure hell (in my opinion) to extremely usable, especially the initialisation. If you mean DirectDraw, then don't switch at all (except perhaps to DX7), because DDraw is gone and you have to do everything using D3D.

Edited by - Kippesoep on January 7, 2002 10:37:26 AM
I should note here that climbing out of hell is a very hard thing to do, if you get my point.

The sad thing about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence.
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Ever since the disaster of Direct3D version 3, D3D has just gotten better and better. Switch ASAP.

The non-3D APIs haven''t changed much, just little bits here and there..with the notable exception of DirectDraw being gone.

If you''re doing 2D programming, consider using DX7 for a while longer, or get used to doing "2D under 3D" (there''s tons of tutorials for this all over the web, including a number of them on this site..)

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