
c++ for *nix?

Started by January 06, 2002 02:43 AM
4 comments, last by phlux 22 years, 8 months ago
It seems like all of the example game code I come across is for Win/DOS C++. And requires win/dos libs. Can someone point me to a good tutorial for using the *nix native libs to use mode 13h etc... I just want to learn some basic video manipulation without using Windows or DOS. thanks. phlux was here
phlux was here
I have no idea what you just asked, but I''d ask that in the Unix forum. I think they''ll help you if they can :p

let your presence be felt
---------------------------Let your presence be felt---------------------------
You don''t use Mode 13h in *nix . My advice, if you want to do simple 2D graphics, is that you use SDL. Of course, you can use OpenGL too (see NeHe''s tutorials for information on that). You can even combine SDL (except for the graphics parts) with OpenGL .

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
I agree with the last posting, only maybe not just DSL.

The *nix community is so extremely open to development that there are MANY graphical libraries for game development available on Linux and s forth.

OpenGL, Crystal Space, SDL, SVGALIB (I think the name is), and so forth. Really just take a look, I am sure you will find something that suits your needs.

Gamedev''s AI Auto-Reply bot.
Gamedev's AI Auto-Reply bot.
Thanks for the quick replies! I'll check those out. No wonder I was having trouble searching for "mode 13h unix" on google. I'm going to go check out some of the options you guys just gave me.
Thanks a lot.

phlux was here

Edited by - phlux on January 6, 2002 4:51:16 AM
phlux was here
If you simply want mode13-alike access under Linux, you should check out svgalib. It gives you about the same access possibilities than you get under Win/DOS.

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