
3D movement engine

Started by February 01, 2000 12:15 PM
10 comments, last by webspynner_99 24 years, 8 months ago
Through making webpages I already know Jscript inside out. I am in the process of learning C++. I thought it might be fun and educational to make a game using Jscript. I would be able to stretch my knowledge and learn some game theory at the same time. I don''t intend for anyone to buy this game, maybe not even see it. It is just something for myself to test myself. I know that eventually I will have to learn a "real" programming language. Give me a break, criticizing me when you don''t even know all the details.
Acyually, I was criticizing INVERSED and voodoo on that one. But I probably deserved that anyway for my previous post. Point taken and dropped.

Have fun

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