
How program a cargame?

Started by January 01, 2002 09:48 PM
25 comments, last by Datatubbe 22 years, 8 months ago
To use models created in another package you need a loader for that file format. The loader will also have to work w/whatever graphics solution you want to use. WildTangent, OpenGL, DirectX are all graphic solutions if you are making a windows game. So first thing to do is define the technology used. Looks like you''ve settled on C++ for the language, next decide on a graphics library. Finally, you must investigate some loaders for whichever 3d modeling format you want to use and the appropriate 3D API. Web searching is probably the best way to find one.

I would suggest using an existing 3D API, such as crystalspace, to jump start development.
I will use DirectX!

Could some1 explain to me how an engine work, and what it does?
and how i start off making one...? am i right if i do it in C++?

- Datatubbe
They didn''t accept me in the Tubby World!
------------------------------ DatatubbeThey didn't accept me in the Tubby World!
I don''t mean to burst your bubble, but it takes a team of around 15 pros 2 years to make this kind of game. And they are working at least 40 hours a week at it. Even to make a somewhat simplified version of a racing game, you should probably plan to take at least 6 months to learn the programming side(depending on how much time you spend learning) Part of the learning process is starting with a simple game and working your way up. So start with tic tac toe or something, then do a 2d maze or side scroller, then move onto the 3d programming. I don''t want to sound negative, just don''t expect to learn everything and have the game complete in about a year, unless you can spend 60-80 hours a week on it.

Make it work.
Make it fast.
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I think he understands this issue captain, and it's not the first time someone's told him how long it would take. The fact that he's still very interested in going through with it shows me that he's really interested in his idea. This person obviously REALLY likes racing games and has already done his homework on them. And don't forget that he said he's willing to work on it for over a year. Go for it!

But before you sit down and start coding, PLEASE make a design document. Between the 3 or 4 people you have working with you, I bet there are atleast 2 different ideas of how this game's gonna look. Sit down with them, and decide how everything's gonna work

Good luck,

Edited by - THE Omega on January 3, 2002 9:44:39 AM
yeah i understand that it canb e difficult, but we have already discussed how to make it, not yet a design document thoug.

But, NFS 5 heave alot of features i don''t want, like Evolution and the Factory Driver, i only want to make a Single Player mode and a Multiplayer mode, and yes i will use alot of time on this. We might offcourse need to do some small progging before we hit the real road for this game.
And btw, when a team like EA creates a game they want to make it compatitble with alot of cards and playable on slow computers, i only plan to make this game work for me and my buddies. When it does, then i might make it more compatible..

- Datatubbe
They didn''t accept me in the Tubby World!
------------------------------ DatatubbeThey didn't accept me in the Tubby World!
quote: Original post by Datatubbe
I will use DirectX!

Could some1 explain to me how an engine work, and what it does?
and how i start off making one...? am i right if i do it in C++?

- Datatubbe
They didn''t accept me in the Tubby World!

Don''t forget that you will also need a Physics engine so that you can figure out, when the cars crash into one another, the parts that will need to be bent, curved or what ever... I had seen a really good game engine once that incorporated a physics engine( on tv ) but I think they were asking something like 10,000$( US ) just to license the darn thing... But then again, creating a simple physics engine should be that hard if you have a good grasp on physics( which I myself don''t have )...

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[Cyberdrek | ]
quote: Original post by Datatubbe

And btw, when a team like EA creates a game they want to make it compatitble with alot of cards and playable on slow computers, i only plan to make this game work for me and my buddies. When it does, then i might make it more compatible..

- Datatubbe
They didn''t accept me in the Tubby World!

Actually, that''s not EA''s doing, it''s DX that deals with that. So your game will support a wide variety of video card without you having to write drivers for every single cards like the old DOS days( brings back old memories... )

"And that''s the bottom line cause I said so!"


Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!

"gitty up" -- Kramer
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Hash Bang Slash bin Slash Bash -- #!/bin/bash
[Cyberdrek | ]
Well, technicaly u shoudln''t crash, that means that u don''t have control of yer car, which result in high speed....
therfore i don''t need a physics engine at the beginning, assuming that i don''t crash right?

But yeah i understand what u mean, it will be a good idea.
Well money don''t meen that it''s hard to make an engine..
Maybe it''s so boring to create one?
well anyway if i need one, i will create one myself, i think i could learn alof of it...

- Datatubbe
They didn''t accept me in the Tubby World!
------------------------------ DatatubbeThey didn't accept me in the Tubby World!
Okay, i don''t know how to exactly ask this question, but how do I create the design in the game?
For instance, how can i create the asphalt and the trees in a game?

- Datatubbe
They didn''t accept me in the Tubby World!
------------------------------ DatatubbeThey didn't accept me in the Tubby World!

If you want to make scenery (trees, asphalt, etc.) you probabley need to make models and texture them unless you can pull them from the air. To do that you need some modeling package and an image editor. I suggest 3dstudio max, milkshape or what ever you used to make the cars. You''ll also want something like corell draw or something like that.
Quote: Michael TanczosCut that shit out. You shouldn't be spying on other people.. especially your parents. If your dad wanted to look at horses having sex with transexual eskimo midgets, that's his business and not yours.

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