
How program a cargame?

Started by January 01, 2002 09:48 PM
25 comments, last by Datatubbe 22 years, 8 months ago
okay, first stop here since i'm a newbie to this place... I am a real fan of Need For Speed 5, but now it's 2 years since it was out and i want to make a new game in that genre. so my question is: How do i create a car game, it shall be playable on windows xp/win2k, and so much compatible for computers with less than 1GHz prossessor, and 256MB ram. I want it to be a real good game. I want to make a game where u can play multiplayer... Plz give me any info at all how to start, i am really exited. - Datatubbe They didn't accept me in the Teletubby World! Edited by - Datatubbe on January 1, 2002 11:09:23 PM
------------------------------ DatatubbeThey didn't accept me in the Tubby World!
if (!programmer)
learnCPP = TRUE;

I wanna'' ride on the pope mobile.
Could you possibly make that any more obscure? The only people who would understand it won''t benefit from that advice.

Datatubbe, learn a programming language if you don''t already know one. Learn how to do 2D graphics, then 3D graphics. I learned in this order since 3D builds from the 2D principles and I feel it will minimize the inevitable confusion.

Make a few small games to learn how to tie everything together. There are some really good tutorials on this site, and a lot of other sites with complete source code so you can see different ways these games can be implemented.

In the meantime, play every car sim you can get your hands on and analyze the hell out of them. I mean not only decide which you like, but specifically WHY you like them. What did they do right? What did the others do wrong? Is there something you would have done differently?

By the time you have followed this advise, you should know enough to realize you have a long way to go before you are ready to make your game. In your specific case, racing sim players are brutal when it comes to demanding realistic physics in their games, so you''ll have to learn that as well. I''m not trying to discourage you, but it will take work. If you keep that in mind as you start to work on it, you''ll be more likely to keep at it.

ShadeStorm, the Day_Glo Fish
ShadeStorm, the Day_Glo Fish
If you really are thinking about making a car sim I would consider you using Macromedia Shockwave Director Studio. I been using it 1 year now, and I have created several games with 3D graphics. I''ve created Arcade, Racing, & Fighting games so far. Also, why not try using Macromedia Flash 5. It''s great too! Also, both of them are quite easier to use than C++, C, or any other programming language. Plus they are lots, and lots of tutorials for this to programming languages. So if you really want to create a car sim or any other game with ULTIMATE 2D/3D graphics, use Shockwave Director, or Flash.
tnx for replies, i wasn''t completely accurate when i wrote the post. but i have 3 other friends that will help me out.
One is raw on Graphix, one is planning to create music, and help organizing and one has just graduated collage in C/C++.

I believe Flash games are a bit too "easy" for me, it can be hard enough, but that''s not the way i have planned to start.

By doing this i really want to learn how to create games, learn more programming, i understand ASP, but that''s not really programming, but a start, i think..?!?

Shadestorm, yer reply was really helpfull.
Yes i have played all the possible car games that is to get.. so i know exactly what i want, i do alot of 2d/3d graphix so i have some basic knowledge...

One question, do u use 3D Studio Max to create the cars and stuff used in the games? If so, i think i am heading the right direction.
I am planning to buy some books, to learn more about DirectX, C/C++ and multiplayer posebilities

- Datatubbe
They didn''t accept me in the Teletubby World!
------------------------------ DatatubbeThey didn't accept me in the Tubby World!
I would like to apologize for my earlier post.

I was upset at the time and unfortunately took it out on Datatubbe.

I''m sorry.

You can use 3D Studio Max to make the car models. Or any other modelling package like Blender, Milkshape, or 3D Canvas. So long as it produces models, you can use it.

I wanna'' ride on the pope mobile.
np, Hikeeba, we all have our problems ..
I will learn 3d Studio Max then, but how can i save the models to use them in my game?

- Datatubbe
They didn''t accept me in the Tubby World!
------------------------------ DatatubbeThey didn't accept me in the Tubby World!
I was about to say something like Hikeeba, but then I noticed that this forum was "for beginners", so I won't

I'm sorry to say that making a 3D car game isn't exactly easy.
There is so much stuff you need to know. And by keeping a good code design, this will take some time. How to load models from 3D studio max into your game won't be any problem if you have the engine done. So that's one of your minor worries

And a project like this takes a long time before you get visual result.

I would really recommend doing something easier.


"If it doesn't fit, force it; if it breaks, it needed replacement anyway."

Edited by - MindWipe on January 2, 2002 3:41:00 PM
"To some its a six-pack, to me it's a support group."
well tnx, but i am planning to use over a year for this project.

- Datatubbe
They didn''t accept me in the Tubby World!
------------------------------ DatatubbeThey didn't accept me in the Tubby World!
A. I''d just like to say that Porsche Unleashed is the best game! As for analyzing games, don''t forget Gran Turismo 3, and there''s an awesome Swedish game called STCC2, but you''re in Norway, right? You might have played it then. It rocks.
B. Learn C++, so, I would recommend you search Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, I have not personally read it, but I here it is one of the best on the subject. It''s a lot to read, though, so buckle up .
C. Once you have that under your belt and you can program C++, I would suggest, to learn Windows programming. Sure, you can learn it from those game programming books, but they only teach you the bare essentials, which is exactly what I know .
D. I would suggest Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus, even though it is a little outdated. It again is as thick as, umm, well, about 3 inches. After that, two words: OpenGL Game Programming. I think that''s the best book for this kind of thing, and it talks about loading models, too (I can see that''s on your list of priorities).
E. ((optional)) C++ The Complete Reference.

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