
How to learn how to make games

Started by January 30, 2000 01:02 PM
2 comments, last by Possibility 24 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I have just taken a course in C++ and I was wondering if someone could point me to a place on the web that will teach new people how to start making simple games. In my C++ course, all of our programs were simple and were run from a unix shell prompt. They had no graphics and no user interface at all. I guess what i need to learn is how to make some graphics appear on the screen and learn how to incorporate a mouse. I just want to be able to make like a very simple game like Tic-Tac-Toe. I also have Visual C++ for my home pc but do very little with it. So if you know of some places where i can get a lesson on how to make extremely simple games for a beginner, I would be very thankfull. Possibility
Go to, and you''ll probably find a book for your needs. Otherwise, search the web.

Sorry, I cannot point you towards something more exactly. But what most people miss, is that if you search - you''ll find.
You may want to check out the reference area here at gamedev. this is probably the best place for you to start some of the tutorials and articles..

Since you know C++ I would pick up Tricks of The Windows Game Programming Gurus by Andre LaMothe. This is probably the perfect book for you


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