
what can i do with dll's?

Started by January 30, 2000 03:10 AM
0 comments, last by SigwarthSoft 25 years, 1 month ago
Whats all about with dll''s??? What can i do with dll''s? Sig ICQ: 62538030
The initial idea behind dlls was code sharing at runtime. Take MFC for example. With only one copy of the MFC dlls on your computer, any program that uses the MFC dlls can run on that computer.

Also, since a program doesn''t access the dlls until runtime, you can change the dll or the executable without having to recompile and relink the other. Using this idea is more powerful than it initially sounds. With some creative programming, you can have your program automatically use new dlls when they come availible. Look at 3DS Max and how it loads plugins at runtime.

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