
Making sims 3D models

Started by January 29, 2000 03:55 PM
6 comments, last by xeos 24 years, 7 months ago
Would it be possible, in a game like Rollercoaster Tycoon, to make all the people little 3D models, with very few tris, and use them in "real time" (ie not pre-rendered). They probably don''t need much animation (in my game, at least), and would only need simple colouring. Is this feasable with the hardware available today?
XEOS Digital Development - Supporting the independant and OpenSource game developers!
Of course it would be easy, and hardware probably wouldn''t have many/any problems with it. The only problem you''d run into is that you would have to write everything in Direct3D, or whatever 3D library you''re using. From my understanding, I don''t think you can have DirectDraw AND Direct3D running at the same time. (am I wrong on that? i don''t know.) But to answer your question, I don''t think hardware would have any problems.

Direct3D uses the Direct Draw interface.
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

Kind of off the subject, but Direct3D and DirectDraw can run together. At least drawPrimitive anyways.
see the game "Total Annihilation"...
I don''t think you can make any DDraw calls in between BeginScene and EndScene, but other than that DDraw will work with D3D. Also, SimCity 3000 uses Direct3D to draw the buildings and cars, I''m not sure about people though.

Thanks for the info!

One last thing... to make it feasible for a game of say 500 little models (static), and a few big models (with keyframed animation), what would be the number of vertices to stick to? And how would I do the coloring?

P.S. I''m NOT using DirectX :-P
XEOS Digital Development - Supporting the independant and OpenSource game developers!
NOT DirectX ?

That sounds cool! Did you get your hands on some next generation game programming API.

If so please tell me - -I''ll keep it a secret...

- Sleepwalker
- Sleepwalker

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