
can i do this?

Started by January 29, 2000 03:54 PM
1 comment, last by Brad8383 25 years, 1 month ago
Im using DDLoadBitmap() from ddutil.cpp to load my bmps. The problems is that im going to put resource files into my wrapper and i need to be able to expand on DDLoadBitmap() and have it take a file pointer. Can I do this with the win32 functions it uses? I dont really want to write my own bmp loader cause I''ve tried before and its total crap.
Yes, it''s possible. I''m already employing it into my programs. It works like this:

lpddsSurface = DDLoadBitmap(lpdd, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP), width, height);

It should load from a resource file then. Good luck!
Sorry I should have said that Im making my own resource file, like one of the articles on here shows. So I need to give it a file pointer to the location of the bitmap in the file. I really doubt this is possible but im just wondering.

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