
A Little Rant (tm)

Started by January 28, 2000 08:48 PM
1 comment, last by Miraj 24 years, 8 months ago
OK, I am so frustrated with the resource editor in Visual C++. I just realized it only supports 256 colors! #$%#@&!!!! *sobs* I really wanted to design my Interface using Dialogs (with a twist of course using bitmaps, etc..) but now it seems hopeless. Is there not an editor or tool out there for this type of thing? (I''m using DirectX) It would be great if one could create things in say Paint Shop and then bring them in and smack them on a Dialog. *sighs* Oh well, I guess I''ll have to labor over 256 colors in the oh so wonderful editor and hope for the best =) Sorry I just needed to let off steam. hehe. -Miraj
If you create the base bitmap in VC++ and save it, you can open that bitmap up (Its located in your project directory) in Paint Shop Pro or even MS Paint.

I have 16-bit resources all the time, I just create it in (and leave it blank) VC++, and then go increase the color depth and do the actual picture in PSP.. You cant open the bitmap up in VC++, but your program can, and VC++ will still compile it.

D. Smith
It is possible to create your bitmaps with other tools like PaintShop. Just save your images out as a 24bit BMP and you can include them in your resource scripts. You can not edit the files in Visual Studio, but the resource compiler can include them in your exe like any other bitmap.

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