
My first Open Source game

Started by July 11, 2024 04:58 PM
2 comments, last by TkKoi 7 months, 2 weeks ago

GitHub -

Hello everyone, I write here because I made an open sors game, based on the mechanics of the Tomb of the mask, here is what is realized in this game:

Main Features

  • Movement: Use swipes left, right, up, and down to move the character around the map.
  • Traps: Avoid spikes and other dangerous elements that can end the game.


  • Enemies moving horizontally and vertically.
  • Enemies shooting in four directions.
  • Elements that double in size and occupy more space.


  • ✔️ Collecting Stars
  • ✔️ Level System
  • ✔️Shop
  • ✔️ Menu
  • ✔️ Sound (It is there, you just need to connect it to use it🤗)

Also, here's a gameplay demo:

I'd love to hear your feedback on the project, perhaps you have tips on how it could be improved, for example, architecturally or otherwise 🙂

I watched the video, and I think it needs more “puzzles” so that the player must think how he/she can move successfully through the level.


@Pebblerubble Yes it is, I think it will be possible to add more traps, like the same pressure plates with which to orchestrate the passage further. But yeah, for now it's a raw project made in 3 days. But in fact this project serves to save time for other programmers if they need similar mechanics or some other module from the project.

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