ScienceDiscoverer said:
I think that the “core” or “soul” of the game is its Engine
Most zoomers will not spend 5 minutes to learn how to write a few for cycles to render the models and the geometry of them, when they can use this 5 minutes to watch tiktok videos.
Some type of existing engines are very useful (such as an RTS maker to make an rts, lets call these genre-specific makers). But these unity-unreal-cry type of engines, which have one sole purpose, to make up a cover for the fullblown incompetence and lack of real passion of the so called “developers”.
And ironically the end result usually takes far more time to create, than what would it took if they would have spent a few weeks to learn the basics… because for example instead of understanding what a 2d array is and making their game map level overnight, they start singing and lament around some camp fire for 10 years, crying how a “proper level design system” and the people to operate them will require another 100 person. Digging a much deeper hole than what they would be otherwise in, vomiting and grunting in front a mirror for years, conviencing themself about how impossible is to write a game engine (aka for cycles with gldrawarrays and fread) and then they vomiting their sorrow on others, infecting them with their zombie bite.