
[java] Java game community

Started by January 28, 2000 01:28 PM
1 comment, last by Arch@on 25 years, 1 month ago
I have been thinking some stuff and I arrived to decision that for example guys on this message board, mainly 5-10, should set up some sort of communication link, like mailing list or ICQ contact list, this way we could help each other faster and more reliable most of the boards which I have seen are almost empty, some daily newbies are posting topics like "What is difference between Applet and Standalone?". We, java game programmers are only 3 or 4 percent of amount of people on Gamedev and lesser than 3 percent in overall. Some of us are really active and *know* things. Comments? My ICQ is 58823928 and my E-mail is, I hope you don''t give me up to spammers. ;-)
I think this message board is fine. I think starting another place to exchange ideas might spread us out too thinly. Better to choose one place and stick to it.
I agree, if we setup a mailing list it really isn''t any faster than this message board (I visit this place every day). Also getting new people into it is more difficult than getting more people in here

Also organizing things is much better in here than in a mailing list. I''ve been subscriber to 4 mailing lists (OpenGL, Java and games related) and I unregistered from every one of them after the amount of mailings exceeded hundred messages per day.
-Pasi Keranen

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