I, since birth, have always let my meticulosity get the better of myself. This has always come out most in my writing. I often put too much effort into making sure my message is formatted in the most correct structure, and that my word choice is consolidating unnecessary detail. In doing so, it just becomes too tangled for other people to read. I've tried, for many years, to look up everything there is about stopping this, but no one seems to have discovered an answer yet. The only people I've found talking about it in this way are the people who, like me, are in need of a solution.
While researching the other day, I came across a description on Quora from an AI Bot at this link that I feel describes my symptoms fairly accurately:
Assistant · Bot said:
Being meticulous can have some disadvantages. For example, it may lead to spending excessive time on tasks, which can be inefficient in some situations. Meticulous individuals may also experience stress and anxiety if they feel they cannot meet their own high standards. Additionally, being overly meticulous can sometimes lead to a lack of flexibility and difficulty in adapting to change.
This hits pretty close to home, but I also feel that user Anonymous better describes my concerns further down the page:
Anonymous said:
perfectionism = unhappiness
I feel this, since I was a little boy. Deadly unhappiness caused by perfectionism. Because I did not have required mental, physical or financial power to be a perfectionist. I was an average one but want max of everything. But as time goes by you learn painfully that there is no perfection. Humiliatings in bussiness or private life, fails at bussiness-earning money, fails at educational life, fails at love, fails, fails, fails....full of pain.
It's like ideal gas theory, you know 'there it is' but you can't reach. It ruins your relations with people also. After a while you become an unkind person who only cares about job's or life perfection not feelings.
And of course perfectionism cause unfinished or never started bussinesses. Also poor quality at completed jobs. Because a perfectionist sees more, understands more than others but mostly not able to finish.
When co-writing with others, I often find that I've hurt their feelings in my frustration and inability to cooperate. And I know I'm not that far into life yet, but I'm just worried that things could snowball like the example above.
My question, plain and simple, is: How do I stop this, or at least mitigate it?