
AI to AI communication in video games

Started by March 26, 2024 03:11 AM
1 comment, last by JoeJ 11 months, 1 week ago

Good afternoon everyone,

I am working on a video that incorporates a heavy amount of AI usage. I am trying to figure out the best way to have the AI be able to communicate with each other without the player/user adding any inputs. What I am trying to create is a fully ran AI game with the player/user only being able to make and customize their character. The AI will do the rest with exploring, talking, eating, and so on. So to wrap it all up into on question how are you able to have AI communicate with other AI in video games? I am also making this game in unreal so I'm cool with tips on blueprints, C++, or behavior trees. Thanks all who reply and help me develop and hopefully one day become an AI developer for games!



benjamin.lohr770 said:
The AI will do the rest with exploring, talking, eating, and so on. So to wrap it all up into on question how are you able to have AI communicate with other AI in video games?

Personally i look at it differently: There are not multiple AIs talking to each other. There is just one AI system, and the question is how can this system model the impression of multiple, unique NPCs?

But to answer this, first you need to have a motivation / reason / problem.
Exploring and eating does not require any communication, so you don't need NPCs to communicate.

If they should talk to each other, then the question becomes: About what should they talk, and why? Maybe about the weather, when they meet each other on the street.
If it's just that, there is no effect or outcome form the talk. Thus the talking is purely cosmetically, not requiring deep thought about an AI system putting out random phrases about the weather.

An example to require a model of communication would be communal actions involving multiple NPCs.
E.g. Guard1 sees the player sneaking in the military lab. After Guard1 meets the nearby Guard2, he shares his observation, and they decide to hunt the player together, which Guard1 did not dare to do while he was alone.

This would be a proper reason to ask about implementing NPC communication.
Related questions would be: Should the player observe the communication in text form, or with audio, or just visually? How do we manage NPC state and behavior? etc.

But you need to define a problem first. What kind of events or actions would be affected / enabled from your communication system?

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