@JoeJ I read your problem was collision discontinuities form assembling a intended flat surface from multiple boxes.
It's quite clear to me why this happens. Some time ago i had the same problem with the Newton physics engine. I have a large mesh to make the world, and wanted to use some chunks of it around the player for physics. I looked into Newtons code to see how it turns given models into static geometry. It merges coplaner faces to remove redundant edges, then builds acceleration structure, etc., as expected.
I think I understand what you are saying. But can you post a picture so I can be 100% sure?
To achieve the smoothness you talk about, Newton stores adjacent face normals across edges.
So at the boundary of my tiles this information would be missing, the engine would no know about the neighbor surface, and issues as you have described would surely happen. (I did not even try)
To make it work for me, i have added information about adjacent face normals across the boundary.
I also needed to hack Newtons source code, because sadly there was no given way to achieve smooth tiling of chunks. In the end it was not hard to do, but ofc. you can't do things like that when using an engine like Game Maker. You would need source code for game and physics engine, the expertise to implement required changes, and after that you can no longer easily update the engines without a need to implement your changes again.
You lost me here. Pics needed
So what i mean is: Just because you can't make a special case work out of the box, it does not mean the engine is bad. Saying it sucks thus isn't justified, and worse - it's disrespect against the expert people who develop those engines and often give it away for free. I guess that's why responses to your post may have went a bad route (did not read further down).
Lost me again. I said Box2D engine sucks and is trash. GM is a commercial paid product for profit product anyway. I don't think they Box2D dev gave it for free, and if they did, they are doing a disservice to humanity. Bootlicking by working for free drags humanity down by making people homeless.
As for disrespect, you should be allowed to disrespect pieces of software, otherwise you enter a trajectory of braveneworldy. And its also part of gaming, Dr. Disrespect is a part of gaming, why should gaming become overly sterilized and everyone has to behave in an overly chatGPT way?
Next step: Ban all non 5 star reviews. People worked hard and they need to feel they accomplished something, can't have anything less than 5 star reviews interrupting our positive community hubris. Do not disrespect the hard work of devs by posting anything less than 5 star reviews. Criticism will not be tolerated.
I can't tell for the specific problem, but accuracy, robustness, but also performance and features vary widely across physics engines. Personally i think some are much better than others, and some are righteous bad but also very widely used.
How does Box2D fare compared to the others?
There were attempts to compare them, but it's hard to do this in a fair way, and backlash and flamewars usually is the only outcome.
Finding the right physics engine for your needs is hard, but still much easier than writing one yourself.
There seems to be too much delusional fanboyish hubris in the game making makerspace. I call it the “junker's fallacy” where people who buy a certain make of car need to irrationally justify their purchase, so they overvalue it compared to other cars. Same happens with DAWs, people who download DAW demos tend to view the DAWs as junk, but someone who spends a lot of money on a DAW will try to make excuses for all the DAWs shortcomings, in order to retroactively justify their purchase.
Still I wonder if had I been more robotic and braveneworldy in my tone and manner of posting, would it maybe not have activated the “fanboy” defensive response? Still, I wouldn't go back and change my behavoir, I'm gonna do it my way or the highway, and I could really care less about yet another series of immature fanboyish responses over the internet lol.
Anyway, I would need to create a “geometry management system” to fix Box2D's shortcomings, and I am not going to do that. And this all would be different if Box2D GM wasn't trash to begin with. For example, before I made the post, Box2D GM had no delta time implementation, making it objectively inferior, which makes the fanboy response even more irritating. It really is junker's fallacy imo. I shouldn't have to create a “geometry management system” in order for Box2D to function, it should automatically just function with arbitrary geometry given. And this is all because Box2D only solves one edge at a time, which automatically makes it not robust.