
Question about multiplayer sync between the players.

Started by May 03, 2023 07:34 PM
3 comments, last by hplus0603 1 year, 10 months ago

Hi, i have a question.

i am working now on my first multiplayer game with unity, using mirror.

My problem is :

each player can see on his screen the animation of the other players.

But - each player see the others moving in the place they were at the time this client (the one whom watch them) connected, while actually every player in his own screen - moving accros the map.

My question: how can i fix that ?

Can you help me ? Please do : please tell me when i can find answer to that;

Thanks for that and all your great content.

It seems like the mirror library needs to be somehow configured to forward the position of players between the systems.

Typically, this will come from the server/host, to each viewer of the game, so that movement can be verified by the server to reduce cheating.

Exactly how to do that in mirror, I don't know – I've never used that library. Quickly scanning their docs, perhaps you need to add a Network Lerp Rigidbody component to each player? Or a Network Transform component?

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

@undefined i allready have a network transform on the player prefab, and i've setted it to sync position, but it still dont work.

maybe is there a script like :

on client call back - on server call back.

like the shooting methods ?

Sadly, I'm not a user of the library, so I don't know what to try next. Do they have a support/bug/issue forum?

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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