
A serious problem of Dispatch in DirectX12!Please Help me!

Started by April 08, 2023 02:43 PM
0 comments, last by Neooooo 1 year, 11 months ago

Hi! Guys! Recently,I am trying to write a PBR pipeline in my DirectX12 app.And I use compute shader to generate irradiance IBL , specular IBL and BRDF Lut before app running. Although the app spent much time to initialize,the app can run well. But after I run the app several times, when I run my app again, I found my compute obviously freezed about tow seconds as the code running at to generate IBL textures. Then my app crashed at creating new DirectX12 object. And the visual stdio showed that Microsoft C++ exception: com_error …. and the debug layer showed GPU device instance has been suspended and The GPU will not respond to more commands, most likely because of an invalid command passed by the calling application. I creaet new commandlists to run generate IBL code, but this problem still existed. I have no idea to fix this error…So please help to get rid of pain of this…. Thank you very much!


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