how can i improve the graphics of the game i use dx12 granny 2.11.8 devil 1.8 no game engine i use virsual s.
i want to do it this way

old one

how can i improve the graphics of the game i use dx12 granny 2.11.8 devil 1.8 no game engine i use virsual s.
i want to do it this way
old one
I actually like the image on bottom better than the one on top. The actual scene might look better in the image on top, but I can barely make it out under all of the UI elements piled on top.
Not an expert, but I'll tell you what I see in the bottom image that can be improved:
Pretty much all of these things come down to better art. If you don't have a good eye for art, maybe enlist the help of someone who does? Or maybe try to watch some game-development videos about some of these topics. A quick search gave me this as the first link, which might be a good place to start:
vakkas said:
how can i improve the graphics of the game
I dont think this is primarily a programming question. Its the question of the content you are using.