
Need Help with my game

Started by March 10, 2023 01:54 AM
1 comment, last by Tom Sloper 2 years ago


I need help with figuring out how to start my dream game. I am not an artist, I already figured that much out, so I'll have to hire for art. Where can I find custom assets for hire for a really good price? I am looking to get several complete character animsets, background w/ paralaxing effects, platforms pieces, and special effects for my game. It's a pixel platformer beat-em-up style game.

ADDED: I don't make a lot of money, I am saving 200 per month, but I make a net of 800 per month, and 550 of it goes to groceries per month. I have 10 dollars per month to spend. It's because I'm on social security and work 2 days a week (on social security, mind you, a worth 1900 dollars per month. I can't make a gross of 2000 total in both social and work, or they cut my social by a dividend of a dollar per 2 dollars roughly. because I make so much, the real equation is funky and I would actually lose 2 dollars for every 2 dollars if I make more than 2000. I am disabled and struggle working).

ADDED: I won't reveal the characters in the game or the style of the game, as I have not patented the game yet. I am still working on the documents and spreadsheets for the game, while I learn with game maker studio. I know some C programming language and know how to use Multimedia Fusion 2 (which really is a multimedia platform, not really for games but can be used for it.). But I am testing out Game Maker studio right now.

ADDED: I need assets custom tailored for me. They are not assets I can just grab off the market, they are specifically designed for my needs for the game. I've looked on fivver but most of the artist are either too high in price for me per character animset count, or are occupied/not willing to work with my project. I need someone committed to a specific price per animset or character + animset. Depending on the price, I might have to create the character on an animset per animset basis, or, if the price is just right, on a character w/ full animset. I am looking to complete each character with 3 months, each character has roughly up to 24 individual frames for each animation, while, depending on the character type, can have from 2 unique animations + the basic animations (stand, idle, walk, run, jump, standard attack) to 30 unique animations. Finally, I'm starting out small, with a demo, to gain notice and possibly host a fund me kickstarter to raise money to fund the entire project within a decent amount of time. Then release on steam or something when all the assets and programming is complete (along with music and sound effects)

EDIT 1: Cleaned up some typos, no thanks to PC. moved the intro disclaimer

EDIT 2: Cleaned up some more typos. Added some extra info.

EDIT 3: Added some final info.

I am having troubles posting and typing. If something seems off, don't worry about it and I apologize. My computer is 5 years old but I can't afford a new one of it's caliber.

Because of redirects, disappearing forum and stuff like that happening which I can't fix even with a reset, I will make my post much shorter. Again, I apologize if my question seems broad, I can only post so much.

BNTKids-Studios said:
Where can I find custom assets for hire for a really good price?

This is all you needed to ask. We didn't need all that other information. I can't tell you the answer, but you can look in the Your Announcements forum, and Portfolios (see sidebar) to find people who've been offering assets. Be advised that we don't permit recruiting for pay on this site, and we might have to shut down this thread if it goes in the wrong direction.

You can recruit for free help in the Hobby Project Classifieds forum.

-- Tom Sloper --

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