
3D MMORPG looking for more.

Started by March 09, 2023 03:02 AM
9 comments, last by Brian Sandberg 1 year, 8 months ago

Hello again,

In light of the horribly admin present, my buddy has convinced me to attempt to use this site again. So let’s try this again.


My name is Eric. I have a need for a c++ programmer. I am designing a mmorpg and have thousands of assets accumulated. Original content and sounds to include a sound cloud. At one time I had a team of 10 artists that consisted of various types. I do use a open source code but have a private license. it is written in c++. I need a few new perks and functions active.

Some of the functions I am hoping to add to the engine:

Mutate mesh from one form to another.

Editor chunk size for compiling client and server packages.

Skills system.

Editor debugging for compiling issues.

Upgrading from Directx9 to Directx10 or 11.

Free float Camera for 3D environments.

New spawn type functions that allow spawns to traverse walls (such as spiders climbing down).

As for the need for flash to html conversion I need someone adept at action script and html. I want to convert the website from fla/swf action script one or two to html 5 so I can put it up, I can export it in which is easier for you. It’s a wonderful website. Has some nice movement and animations.

So if anyone can help me out, let me know. The game is live and playable. Full world and I have 5 chapters of a book written for lore. Multiple classes to play, it has a game editor, so once a function is input it doesn’t require constant programming. the Source is well written and commented and consists of nice modules. It is well organized.

Most of the funding goes to assets and hosting. If your interested feel free to contact me on discord Hasten#5082

Thank you

This is not a paid position. (Rather then deleting a post for not explicitly stating this you should be requesting an edit, you suck admin.)

Someone as crazy as me. Good luck, seriously.


@undefined thank you, I just got done writing in the index expansion, event limits, swarm spawn limits per region and I decided to make hills. So now I can move along multiple terrain types and heights. ? doesn’t seem that crazy to me tbh. But perhaps we can collaborate? We can be cra cra together!

@Hasten You know, I think my stuff is not even remotely compatible with just about everything else. For one I don't use a stock engine. I'm more or less building one in C++ and DirectX12. Also, it's based around runtime procedurally generated terrain using voxels and a variation of marching cubes. The idea here is to have really large spherical worlds taking up almost no storage and also allowing caves and underground areas. Even the physics is “Just in Time” physics, i.e. it builds the physics meshes right around the player(s) behind the scenes while running.

That being said, I do like to hear about others also working in MMOs because it seems to be pretty rare these days.

Oh that sounds pretty cool. I’m working on an basic engine called Evidyon, while it is open source I have a custom source code that allows terrain heights and other nifty functions. Always room for more heh. I wrote a book and have about 5 chapters set in place for the lore of the game. Allot of little things to do with it, I am currently in the process of implimenting the world which is defined in the book into reality from a hand drawn 9 page map. The map is used to detail the hero who traverses the world while it will also be the map for which the players exist in. The design will allow for multi skinned format such as you login and decide to play in a sci fi environment or fantasy at the click of a button. Each player will play in the world viewed as they choose. So the guy with a bow will see bows where the sci fi user sees guns. I don’t have allot of coding experience and would welcome those that do. Perhaps a trade could be considered. I do have many other skills which are more proficient. I do so enjoy world design. ?

Hey fellow MMORPG enthusiasts,

I'm curious about what you all think are the greatest and most pressing problems facing the MMORPG industry today, both from a player's perspective and a developer's perspective.As a fellow MMORPG enthusiast myself, I know that there are plenty of issues that can crop up in these games, from server stability to balancing issues to player toxicity. But what are some of the more technical problems that haven't been solved by major AAA studios, even after years of development and updates?Are there any features or gameplay mechanics that you've been longing for, but just haven't seen implemented in any MMORPG yet? Maybe it's a more realistic crafting system, or a more immersive world that reacts dynamically to player actions. Or perhaps it's better AI for NPCs, or a more complex and engaging skill progression system.I'd love to hear your thoughts on these issues, and any others that you think are important for the future of MMORPGs. So please, feel free to share your opinions and insights below..


@undefined well first of all microsoft and adobe are the first major problems in todays game development world. From Microsoft we see syntax modifications that dismantle code individuals took time and money to not only learn at colleges but also to implement into their projects. Having functions removed just so Microsoft can force people to retake or relearn a new syntax model. they really should not being doing this, it should be just fine to continue and to retain the syntax functions already implemented and should you want to use the new functions of syntax to do so accordingly. They destroy the trust and the user base of thier own systems in doing so and as such those individuals turn from those that do. The same is said for adobe in cases of flash based programming, they update there action scripts over and over and over and then remove the ability to even use flash in browsers. There where many flash based games which looks and preformed magnificently but due to some stick up some guys ass they decided it was cool to destroy all the time, energy, education that was put into countless projects. all for the sake of another dollar. The biggest hurtle in todays game industry is the corporations that pretend they can dismantle any system and then remove its forward use because it’s not there’s or because they don’t want people to utilize it. In this sense no code is safe, no game is safe, year by year they continue to dismantle and destroy that which is created to cater to larger corporations. What I would like to see is a system that is called omniconverter where any code syntax be it c++, c, Java, html, action script or otherwise to include dos, is converted into the latest fully function code systems thus removing the ability for any and all games designed pass present and future into the new syntax forms. This should include direct x, all direct x formats and usages auto convert into the latest form of such. By being able to remove syntax functions and other forms such as action script all projects will eventually become dead from this immoral dictation of what they consider to be theres to command. We design these projects, we build these worlds for others to enjoy and they are not Microsoft’s or adobes to call or claim discontinued.

@undefined This could be an interesting discussion, but perhaps we should start a new thread for it rather than hijacking this one.

It’s meh I don’t expect anyone to actually assist me. ?

Hasten said:

It’s meh I don’t expect anyone to actually assist me. ?

OK fair enough. BTW I'm in the same boat as you. Most people who want to do MMORPGs are kind of hard core and have particular ideas so it's hard to find teams. Beyond that, they are also a huge project. If you go to Reddit and post in INAT , there is even an MMORPG bot that will tell you it's a bad idea, LOL!.

So just to start things off, my main goal is a game with a completely open world on a single “server”. That of course requires a lot of terrain so I'm mainly concentrating on procedural generation. To make that a bit easier, I'm making it a SciFi space opera kind of thing to break things up into natural zones with some travel time required. The plan is for there to be a single galaxy to play in. Systems will be pseudo random but with some control. For instance, you will give it a set of equations to generate a planet and some seeds. You will be able to tell it for instance to give me a forest world with some temperature range and factors for mountains and water percentage. It will do the rest. This way I only have to store a small amount of data for each planet. So even a million systems is not unreasonable. Since I'm using smooth voxels, I will be able to support caves and the like, and not just height mapped terrain.

Even storing the fully realized terrain data for a single planet is impossible, however the system I use is a generate and refine as you go system. Each player only has to see what's around him in detail. The rest can be at much lower LOD and much will be over the horizon anyway. As you go into space you will see farther over the horizon of course, but to compensate the LOD of everything will quickly drop. In practice viewing from space takes far lower resources. The backs of planets will be culled. Even the physics terrain (which is separate) is only generated within the players reach, so I can generate it quickly and throw it out as needed. Voxels actually come it handy for this since I can find terrain I need to generate very quickly with a single ray trance every frame. Everything is built in a sparce octree, and cached until a player moves away. Deconstruction is does in the background in a separate thread in order to keep the frame rate up.

Pathing has a similar issue, mainly you can't have the entire pathing mesh of a planet server side, because of space constraints. However, in that case at least you have control over the hardware. So to compensate you can again, similar to physics meshes, generate the paths in front of a mob on a terrain sever only where you need it.

I mainly want this to be a ground-based game with ships primarily focused on travel, so this brings up the issue of how you meet other players. My idea was for players to have spaceships with transponders, so you can see other players, communicate with them and meet up on a planet's surface, after jumping into a system.

As for game play, I'm going for sandbox. There will be specific lore (my current working idea is based on the Silurian hypothesis), races and an overarching story, but I don't want specific quests. I also don't want to make every race/class good at everything. I find that discourages grouping, and basically turns it into a single player game. I want players to need other players. For quests I want players to be able to give other players tasks. These would typically be for something that gets the player something they need, but that they are not suited to getting themselves. Players could also trade tasks.

At this point though, I'm really trying to get the technology down before I go into many game play details. I'm currently working in DirectX 12 and C++. I'm really trying to optimize terrain generation, and sending data down the to GPU. It uses a LOT of threading, but I've gotten it pretty fast. I can go about 100km/h and the LOD will keep up on the surface and there are still some hacks I can do. I'm not going after top end graphics, just reasonably good. I'd rather use the CPU and GPU to handle the scale without a lot of lag.

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