
Using SSAO For Blended Objects

Started by January 12, 2023 08:10 AM
2 comments, last by Stuarttt 2 years, 1 month ago

What is the best (most common) approach using SSAO with forward renderer for blended objects?

SSAO only works if all depth is already known.
So to do it in a forward renderer while shading (not as a post process), you'd need a depth prepass first, which would also help help to skip over redundant AO computation due to overdraw.
But i would prefer to do it as post process even with a forward renderer to reduce divergence.

Support for transparency is hard because depth only gives us the closest fragment to the camera.
You could try a stochastic depth buffer, but that's quite costly and will have limited quality. The usual workarounds (render opaque, add AO, render transparent stuff without AO) are probably the best option.


I see, thanks

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