
Opengl VS. D3D

Started by January 27, 2000 09:42 PM
3 comments, last by ECKILLER 24 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I''ve learned 2D directX stuff fairly well. I could spend more time on it but i think 2D is a waste of time I''m wondering which api i should use for 3D Opengl or D3D. I want the one thats going to be the most used in the industry. Give me your opinions please. ECKILLER
Well d3d is most used in industry right now. At least from the games I buy. You will benefit from learning both though. The api''s arent necessarily that hard to learn its the engine design thats a toughy.
Well, Direct3D is by far used more in the industry. If you want proof of this, just go look around at some job lisings.

The problem with learning Direct3D is the fact that there isn''t really any good books on it, but this looks like it''s about to change. Inside Direct3D is going to be released in about a month, as well as some other books that deal with Intermediate Mode.
DirectX rocks OpenGL because of its interpolerated vertex lighting!!!!

Just kidding

I heard that OpenGL is much easier and faster than DirectX, but I don''t care because DirectX is from our trusty source, Microsoft
If you were being sarcastic with that last statement, nes8bit, then I agree.

Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!

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