I added in mouse picking. The bounding boxes need not be axis aligned, although I'm too lazy to rename them from AABBs to just BBs. I ended up breaking the game board into 8x8 cells, each with a bounding box, so triangle-ray intersection is speedy-ish.
The relevant code is:
void get_collision_location(size_t x, size_t y)
// Get intersection point closest to camera
vec3 ray = screen_coords_to_world_coords(x, y, win_x, win_y);
float t = 0;
clicked_col_loc = background;
bool first_assignment = true;
mat4 inv = inverse(board_mesh.model_mat);
vec4 start = inv * vec4(main_camera.eye, 1.0);
vec4 direction = inv * vec4(ray, 0.0);
direction = normalize(direction);
if (true == board_mesh.intersect_AABB(start, direction))
vec3 closest_intersection_point;
for (size_t cell_x = 0; cell_x < board_mesh.num_cells_wide; cell_x++)
for (size_t cell_y = 0; cell_y < board_mesh.num_cells_wide; cell_y++)
if (true == board_mesh.intersect_triangles(start, direction, closest_intersection_point, cell_x, cell_y))
closest_intersection_point = board_mesh.model_mat * vec4(closest_intersection_point, 1);
clicked_collision_location = closest_intersection_point;
clicked_col_loc = game_board;
clicked_cell_x = cell_x;
clicked_cell_y = cell_y;
first_assignment = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < player_game_piece_meshes.size(); i++)
mat4 inv = inverse(player_game_piece_meshes[i].model_mat);
vec4 start = inv * vec4(main_camera.eye, 1.0);
vec4 direction = inv * vec4(ray, 0.0);
direction = normalize(direction);
if (true == player_game_piece_meshes[i].intersect_AABB(start, direction))
vec3 closest_intersection_point;
if (true == player_game_piece_meshes[i].intersect_triangles(start, direction, closest_intersection_point, false))
closest_intersection_point = player_game_piece_meshes[i].model_mat * vec4(closest_intersection_point, 1);
if (first_assignment)
clicked_collision_location = closest_intersection_point;
clicked_col_loc = player_game_piece;
clicked_collision_location_index = i;
first_assignment = false;
vec3 c0 = vec3(main_camera.eye) - closest_intersection_point;
vec3 c1 = vec3(main_camera.eye) - clicked_collision_location;
if (length(c0) < length(c1))
clicked_collision_location = closest_intersection_point;
clicked_col_loc = player_game_piece;
clicked_collision_location_index = i;
// Nothing was clicked on, so the background is set
if (first_assignment)
clicked_collision_location = vec3(0, 0, 0);
clicked_col_loc = background;
It was @joej who taught me about the model matrix, and how it can be oriented in any direction, because it's basically a orthonormal basis + translation wrapped into one.