
Skeletal Animation in C++

Started by November 07, 2022 10:43 PM
4 comments, last by 8Observer8 2 years, 4 months ago

Hello All,

I'm looking to find resources on implementing skeletal animation in C++, preferably with OpenGL but DirectX would be fine as well. Was wondering if anyone has a list of good or favorite learning materials. They could be books, videos, online tutorials, anything really would be appreciated.



Frank Luna's book is a good starting point since it explains the math behind skeletal animation very well, and it also implements a demo without using external libraries, which always add complexity.

Then, you can take a look at other interesting resources such as

Game Engine Architecture (Jason Gregory)


Why write your own when you can use an off-the-shelf library? Try

Fairly good resource is:

The forementioned one from ogldev is also a great resource, although with slightly less explanation than the learnopengl one. Another (although a bit older) one was here:

Personal note: Have a reference implementation somewhere near your hand that you can debug. Why? Simply because you may want to output and compare all transformation matrices in case you hit a problem. Also make sure you have simple skinned and animated mesh for testing.

My current blog on programming, linux and stuff -

I really like this video tutorial, but it's in Java. You can try translating the code to C++:

OpenGL Skeletal Animation Tutorial #1

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