
Collaborative Project

Started by October 18, 2022 09:51 PM
4 comments, last by Nafalan 2 years, 2 months ago

I am about to start a gaming project, am in search of partners that will want to be a part of it.

That seems to be a bit vague. . . Maybe a few more details would help people decide if they might want to be a part of the project or not.

It's fine if you want to leave things open, so that everybody gets a say in what type of project it will be. But, even then, it would help to have some range of your own game-related interests. What are your game preferences?

It would also be good to know what you would be bringing to the project skill-wise.


@undefined I'll be down for this, although I would want to know the scope of the project

Liveabigdream said:
search of partners

When you say “partners”, I'm assuming you mean team mates?

“partner” can mean business [partners, I'd recommend being more specific, so you find what your looking for.

Also, we need details in terms of what the game project is, what skills you have? what skills you looking for?


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I want to be apart of the game project I have experience working as a QA for 2 years professionally and I've studied game design for 3 years I'd like to know more about the project over a chat

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