I have been working realy hard for months to find something as low level as possible to draw on screen. Due to limitation whit the windows OS I was only able to find Win32 whit a bitmap and the function SetPixel/SetPixelW the issue is that theses fonctions are extremely slow because they run on one core. So I was wondering how old game console could do sutch thing at decent resolution whit not even 1/1000 of nowdays prcoessing power (Where there gpu instruction to draw on screen?). I also realised that gpu drivers and extremely low level gpu programming are some kind a ‘secret’ knoladge that nobody know how to do except the elit at vulkan and other specialised company that won't tell us there ‘secrets’. that's why I am asking : How to draw from gpu to the screen or on a winuser window whiout any fancy specialised api ,only low level programming ?