
Anyone interested in meeting each week to share progress/relate to the struggle?

Started by August 04, 2022 02:11 PM
3 comments, last by aurel 2 years, 2 months ago

I'm a full time game developer nine months into creating my city builder game. It's a lonely journey so I put together a very small group of other solo game developers.

We meet up every week (currently Tuesday nights, EST) to relate to the struggle, hang out, and rotate one person who presents for the night (they can teach or talk about anything game dev related, including their game). It's been a success and motivating for all involved.

I'm looking to add 1-2 people to the group who can commit to (preferably) weekly or bi-weekly meetups. I have a strong preference for other full time developers. Must be serious about finishing/releasing your game.

About the group:

We are late 20s - 30s and serious about releasing our respective games. We are pretty open and honest with each other, and will question each other/provide feedback freely.

Message me if you are interested!

I'm not a full time developer, or especially serious about finishing my projects, but I would be really curious to see your city builder



Sure! I post progress and some vlogs at​

I've been working on a lot of back end changes and recently moved my game to isometric, so there's not a ton to see yet.

PS: For people from the future: the meetings are still happening. As of today there isn't an open slot, but there's also no one on the waitlist currently.

@undefined hello do you mean IRL meet up?

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