JoeJ said:
Why is it your favorite genre? What's the promise or expected experience?
This probably dates back to the ‘good old’ D&D games. Pen and paper ones.
Good RPG is challenging - first of all you need to be immersed in the world, these are background details, but they are important. From player's point of view, there is a whole world to explore - it has to be realistic, have its own rules, and it has to be presented in proper - non exhaustive way. Most of current RPGs from indie scene absolutely fail at the last one - as they swarm you with walls of text representing lore. Often at once. The story in an RPG often unfolds at player's pace (you don't seem to be pushed that much in it - or at least shouldn't) and then you should be the one deciding how to play your character (which is where most modern RPGs absolutely fail). That includes how your character specializes (old Piranha Bytes games gave you often a choice - joining a major guild - and not just the gameplay, but also rest of the game had some major differences to it), and how your character behaves and develops (again Piranha Bytes did this to some extent, but it is other series - Mass Effect (first 2 installements) which shine at this out from modern, or the first 2 Fallout games - which were just The RPGs).
Additional to this, it often shines in giving player freedom of problem solving. I'll give you 2 examples:
Gothic II: NotR - Going to the city
Background: When approaching the city in ‘Chapter 1’ a player is stopped by guard (no matter which gate he chooses), that prevents him from entering. Stating that they can't let just anyone into the city.
The player eventually (by talking to other characters) is presented with 3 options - pretend to be farmer by wearing farmer's clothes (which you obtain by either buying, working for or stealing), bribing the guard (also you need to bribe correct guard, otherwise you're just going to get beaten), or having a citizen's pass (which can be obtained for ‘a favor’ in future). There is another hidden option of just getting there by swimming into the city and therefore completely avoiding gate guards (this option is really a valid option and author's took it into account - as once you're in docks there is a character remarking on this option and laughing that you rather swim than have anything in common with guards).
Mass Effect - Noveria port
Background: Upon entering Noveria planet (in port), while player needs to continue towards another location (Peak 15), he can't reach it due to planet being on lockdown. Only those with Garage pass can go.
The player is presented with easiest way - to rat out somebody - present evidence to corrupt administrator and he is free to go. There are other options though - you can obtain the pass from other character (that wants proving the corruption of administrator) - once evidence is obtained you will be presented with 2 options, one being trading the evidence for pass to the other character, or convincing this character to testify (based on another discussion with administrator's secretary - who is undercover agent). The player against has choice which has impacts on his character development (and also having some impact in second installment in the series when some characters re-appear).
It is entirely up to player which way he chooses and it will have further impact in the game (or even next installment in series in the latter case). That is the core element of RPG - giving player a choice in how he/she approaches given problem and allowing him multiple solutions (ideally more than 2 - not just “good” and “evil” in general). These are prime example of RPG experience.
JoeJ said:
I often try them, but i'm resistant to use mechanics implemented by abstract property sheets in multiple pages of GUI.
This is one of the complications with RPG games in general - overly complex system. While the underlying system can be complex. Now - keep in mind that I can get through those systems - but I don't especially adore them. I didn't mind them that much in original Fallout and Fallout 2. But I tend to dislike them. The Elder Scrolls (especially Oblivion and Skyrim) tend to go around the standard ‘point levelling’ systems quite successfully … similar solution had Kingdom Come: Deliverance). In some games (like Piranha Bytes ones), they had quite simplified system - which, while makes player still going through stats, tends to be much smaller obstacle.
Some newer games added auto-levelling, which I never used.
Overall, this concept is from pen and paper D&D where it makes sense. In games - it depends. Some games use this as a natural barrier (you can't get to locations where enemies are too strong - like in Piranha Bytes ones - although skilled player still can). Fallout was a prime example of how these tables impact game (low intelligence character playthroughs are legendary up until this time). Most of RPGs I've played just had statistics to have them though - they didn't implement any impact apart from being able to do more damage or unlock more complex chests. At such games I consider such system completely redundant and more an obstacle for player.
My point is - if the statistics is there - it must have direct impact on gameplay, not just increasing number of damage you do. It shouldn't be there (especially not if it is overly complex) just for the sake of being there.
JoeJ said:
By displaying a cutscene, or by switching into a mode of multiple choice dialogue, or by showing a note we've just picked up, we interrupt gameplay no matter what.
The masters of interactivity (even while “cutscenes” - which are really not cutscenes in that game) are Valve with Half Life, especially HL2 and episodes. You stay the whole time as protagonist - therefore immersing you even further into the world. Now, the problem is that he really isn't participating in the dialog at all - as he doesn't say a single word during all of the games.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim had multiple choice dialog, and during the time other character was talking you could still interact with the world, note it does also have a system where NPCs talk to each other, the whole world simulation went on during the dialog either (which you could leave and walk around the room). Original Gothic games caught you in dialog with cameras looking at talking characters (it is 3rd person game) - but the game still ran. Fun fact, it is entirely possible to get caught in the dialog while an animal attacks you (or other NPCs) and yes it is possible to die during dialog. On the other hand F.e. Mass Effect is prime example of cutscenes (and huge load of them).
As you mentioned VR - a game that worked really well with it - was Lone Echo and Lone Echo II. Despite me not playing through them (I had a chance to just play them once for a short while) - these games did in fact have the most immersion I've seen in VR games. Truth to be told I haven't played Half Life: Alyx (it's good to mention - that these are probably main 3 story heavy games for VR that were designed purposely for it). Neither of those is role playing game though.