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Anybody doing real metaverse stuff.?

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49 comments, last by Nagle 1 year, 11 months ago

JoeJ said:
Now we need mostly flexibility to proceed. Not even more fixed function restrictions

It might be illuminating to study the way that OpenGL 2.0 came to be. A mostly research company that had been doing workstation 3D, had a flexible, programmable architecture, and made a proposal for OpenGL 2.0 that was much more flexible than what ended up being specified.

The reason the restrictions came into place, is because to run at the frame rates we do with the shading rates we do, unpredictable flexibility must be removed. If you add that back in, performance will take a significant step backwards. Maybe your argument is “I'm OK with a GeForce 580 level scene, as long as I get to be more flexible about the vertices, pixels, and objects I render,” which is a fine opinion to have, but the general market doesn't seem to agree with this opinion.

Trust me: the hardware engineers want to deliver as much programmability as they can. The “can” part is important. The restrictions all come from that. The choice is not “new generation with restrictions versus new generation without restrictions.” The choice is “new generation with restrictions, or no progress.”

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

hplus0603 said:
The reason the restrictions came into place, is because to run at the frame rates we do with the shading rates we do, unpredictable flexibility must be removed. If you add that back in, performance will take a significant step backwards. Maybe your argument is “I'm OK with a GeForce 580 level scene, as long as I get to be more flexible about the vertices, pixels, and objects I render,” which is a fine opinion to have, but the general market doesn't seem to agree with this opinion.

No, that's not my point. And it's not that i do not understand valid arguments of why full flexibility isn't always meaningful either.

Some of my arguments in detail:

* Dreams does not use ROPs, but it shows nice gfx and performance. UE5 in case of it's first demos uses compute raster for 80%.
Conclusion: It now makes sense to consider removing ROPs, although initially they were the major feature of GPUs. This frees die area for even more compute power to compensate in cases where we are not sure yet.
As general purpose power increases, and rendering methods become more varied and diverge from traditional standards, the lesser fixed function units accelerating only those traditional standards are justified.
You say yourself ‘The reason the restrictions came into place…’ which is past tense. Are those reasons still valid today? Things have changed a lot. We now have very different bottlenecks.
But i don't say i want to remove ROPs already now, and i don't think it would make sense for mobile GPUs, for example. I just think we will get to this point in the near future.

* I've heard one argument very often within my request to expose BVH of raytracing: ‘HW vendors need blackbox and compromised flexibility to get the ball rolling; Initial fixed function acceleration can't already support full flexibility, but just wait some years to get your flexibility.’
But that's bullshit and misses my point. My request is tangent to fixed function limitations, and i do not request more flexible HW at all.
The problem here is only the API which creates limitations, not the hardware. If the API would provide specifications across all vendor specific BVH data structures, it would already solve all problems.
Supporting all formats would be a lot of work, and new chips means new work. But only the developers which really need to build / modify BVH on their own have to go down there. All the others can still enjoy the simple and easy to use API as is.

* Back on topic of requesting or expecting Nanite HW acceleration, i don't think this would be a win on the long run. Because it would enforce again stagnation, or put any further progress on such tech again only into the hands of HW vendors.
But that's wrong. It's our job to invent such software solutions, not the job of chip makers. And to do our job, we need flexibility so we can develop it further at all. If it's fixed function, this opportunity is lost. And it's not that Nanite is the one and only final solution to LOD.
It's nice, but it's not the end of the road. We'll have to explore many other and further roads as well. Which won't happen, if there would be HW acceleration on a current state of the art. We could not beat it, so no point to improve it further. We're stuck again.
But more importantly: I see no need for HW acceleration at all. Nanite is fast, although it enjoys full flexibility. And from my perspective this applies to other future solutions of classical rendering problems as well. I have such solution for realtime GI, but i could not even implement it if there were no flexible compute shaders. It uses raytraced visibility, but i could not speed it up using HW tracers, even if the flexibility were there.

I just think we are at a point where flexibility is most important in general, and fixed function units rarely help with the remaining bottlenecks.
The sad thing, imo, is this: Even we now have some nice things like Nanite which proofs how flexible general purpose computing actually completely destroys former fixed function brute force solutions,
people still don't get it, and even request to go back to the stale middle age of ‘fixed function is the only way’.
That's what i try to say.
It's about time game devs finally learn what compute enables, how to use it, and for what. Sorry about the disrespect, but this just did not happen yet during the PS4 era.

I'm inclined to leave that problem to NVidia. I'm sure they're looking hard at it.

With Nanite, the triangle size on detailed objects approaches one pixel. All that GPU hardware built to fill triangles by rastering them out row by row and pixel by pixel isn't that helpful if you have to set it up for just one pixel. That's the message from the SIGGRAPH video from Nanite. That speaker asked for more GPU programmability, so they can push off more of the work onto the GPU.

A GPU, though, gets its speed by having a large number of very dumb units that don't intercommunicate much. More programmability means more complex units, and thus, fewer of them. That's a complex tradeoff. As Nanite-like approaches proliferate, someone will probably figure out what hardware primitives match it. And what software data structures best feed those primitives.

Intel tried the “complex, programmable GPU” thing a while back. It didn't end well.

JoeJ said:
Dreams does not use ROPs

Dreams use a few trillion interconnected electrodes in the brain, and depending on the dreamer, they can be quite shitty in visual quality (even black-and-white!) but they are overwhelming in reality because they hook into the reality-sensing centers of the brain. If your idea of next-generation hardware is attaching a few trillion electrodes to a brain, by all means, go for it!

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

Nagle said:
A GPU, though, gets its speed by having a large number of very dumb units that don't intercommunicate much. More programmability means more complex units, and thus, fewer of them. That's a complex tradeoff.

It's the other way around: The more fixed function units you have, the less general purpose shader cores you'll get.
And notice that each shader stage is already dominated by execution on shader cores, so nobody has interest in removing them.

Nagle said:
As Nanite-like approaches proliferate, someone will probably figure out what hardware primitives match it.

That same ‘someone’ who completely failed to make raytracing compatible with any LOD solution? Who is now - eventually - looking hard at the damage done?
No thanks. Obviously we already have the HW primitives which are needed to run Nanite efficiently: Shader cores.

Or did Epic request any new GPU features to ‘accelerate’ it further? Like maybe single pixel triangles efficiently in HW?
Even this would be short sighted. What if the next step is to ditch triangles all together, splatting points instead? Then we have two useless units no longer needed: ROPs and mini-ROPs.

hplus0603 said:
Dreams use a few trillion interconnected electrodes in the brain

Ever heard of the PS4 game Dreams with a point splatting renderer? That's what i meant ; )

@JoeJ But then they use ROPs. Raster OPerations are how pixels go on the screen. You literally cannot change the color of a pixel without using Raster OPeration.

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

hplus0603 said:
But then they use ROPs. Raster OPerations are how pixels go on the screen. You literally cannot change the color of a pixel without using Raster OPeration.

No, they splat the points using 64 bit atomics to VRam. Higher bits have Z, lower bits could be color or some ID. UE5 does the same for its software rasterizer afaik.

There was a paper about Dreams, which is really worth to read: http://advances.realtimerendering.com/s2015/AlexEvans_SIGGRAPH-2015-sml.pdf

On the metaverse front, things are picking up a bit. Animoca Brands has a number of metaverse-like products you can actually run. They have a space shooter, some driving games, etc. They're all mediocre games with some NFT or token bolted on.

They're apparently putting together Otherside for Bored Ape Yacht Club. This is running on top of the Improbable back end. Improbable has had a terrible time finding anyone to use their software. The first round of games (Worlds Adrift, Nostos, etc.) was a few years ago. Worlds Adrift was liked, but it was indie free to play and the Improbable back end was too expensive to run, so the studio went bust. Nostos was an anime based world out of China. Good art, gamers could clear the map in a few hours and were done.

Improbable has been doing semi-public load tests. Thousands of very simple avatars in the same space, able to talk and interact a bit.

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