(I apologise beforehand for not quite fitting in this forum.)
I've been having quite a rough time these past few years, and 2021-2023 I even suspect hacking of devices and networks at various points (not the first incident in my life). I understand how copyright and intellectual property works—which is why I'm not worried considering I have my files and projects—and realise that monetarily there might be nothing I can do, most of my systems I would've implement and made open source either way, the same goes for formats and other standards.
However, having someone potentially steal your files, lists, doodles, notes, and ideas is not part and parcel of gaming, the game scene, or game design and development. I also think I've been more suspicious than I have to, but that's what happens when you deal with bad friends and bad actors. Still, should I be able to find some people to discuss these things that would help me get this off my chest and perhaps slowly start working on justice for more than two decades of my life.
This is a playlist of videos I've made trying to show what I have without actually giving away my ideas and files:
I've been doing game design (including computing, development, etc.) since 2000-2001 and have designed several concepts that are pretty much just "clones" of other games, heavily inspired by games made and ideas implement many times before. Then I also have those few half-original ideas that kind of makes me worried.
I've contacted several people and several organisations in the hopes of someone understanding what I've been going through, just in case they could keep their eyes open and find whoever has been doing something stupid behind my back.
I have also been in contact with a few YouTube channels that usually deal with this kind of content and these kinds of incidents, but I'm unknown and have toiled away in obscurity (I have never worked in the gaming industry and have showed very little of my ideas) so I am literally coming out of left field with 35 GB of files in gaming (and more in computing, etc.) making quite the bold claims of designs and dedication.
I should've continued with gamedev in the early 00s and I should've made some friends and connections, but hindsight is 20/20, nothing I can do about it now. I can just try to find some likeminded people and a few friends and professional who would be interested in listening.
I have talked to Valve and even reported one game, but it's still going to be one hell of a ride trying to sort everything out.
Considering I've worked in obscurity I've never showed anyone my ideas and my files, so I am naturally quite careful and weary of actually showing anything—perhaps unnecessarily, but I'm not used to dealing with these kinds of issues.
I'm looking for some people to discuss this with and see where it leads.
So far I haven't received any answers from those I've contacted directly, but that's understandable, they're most likely busy with their stuff and their lives—my situation is rather complex and strange anyway.
If anyone is interested in talking, helping me out, or listening, then feel free to reply or contact me.