
combining iso background w/ 3-d objects

Started by January 27, 2000 03:44 PM
1 comment, last by thath 24 years, 8 months ago
I''m looking into developping an engine which would use standard isometric tiles for background, but use 3D characters. Many games, Alone in the Dark, Resident Evil, use 3D characters in a fixed background system, but I haven''t really seen anyone use 3D with a tile-based background, the closest is Alpha Centauri or Total Annihilation. I''ve developped a full-scale isometric engine with pre-rendered characters, so the background is covered. Most 3D engines I''ve looked at deal primarily with the rendering of the background world or terrain, but not animated object within said world, particularly from an isometric standpoint. Any pointers to information on the rendering of the nonstatic animated characters would be very appreciated. General thoughts on such an engine are also welcome. thanks, mat
Actually, your idea has already been implemented.
__Relentless : Twinsen''s Adventure (Little Big Adventure in Europe) used this type of engine throughout te entire game and was interspersed with video clips. It was published by Electronic Arts for the US and you can probably find a "Classics" edition.
__The sequal, Twinsen''s Odyssey (LBA 2) published by Activision, used on the fly rendered still backgrounds with full motion characters for the outdoor scenes. Basically anything not moving was only rendered once until the camera changed position or angle. It still uses the Iso+3D for indoor scenes (well really the 3D is isometric, just not pre-rendered.) You might want to take a look at these for as references. They''re both pretty cheap [they flopped here in the US] and can run in DOS, though Odyssey can use DirectDraw in Win95.
Thanks, I''ve played and immensely enjoyed both, just forgot to mention them in my first post. I''m hoping someone might have some information on the programming side of these.

mat williamsLead Programmer, DesignerZero Sum

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