
Flickering when moving the camera.

Started by March 18, 2022 05:59 PM
6 comments, last by Thaumaturge 2 years, 11 months ago

Im trying out Diligent Engine and I can render the sponza scene. However there is some weird flickering when moving the camera. When I zoom out it looks like this: 

Geometry Error

It's the output of the normals from a GBuffer. You can see the errors which have circles around. The geometry seems to “flicker”, but only when I move the camera. When I zoom on into the problematic places, the error disappears: 

No Error 

The same happens when I do simple forward rendering. Also tested with other values, like world position and UV coordinates. The flickering still occurs. I just don't know what I am doing wrong. I know it is hard without code as I don't know where the place of error is, but does anyone of you know what the problem could be? Just an educated guess might suffice. The code is here:


Given the look of the thing, and especially that it's only apparent when far from the site at which it occurs, I'm inclined to guess that it's some form of z/depth-fighting.


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan


That's really weird I have a 32bit precision depth buffer. There shouldn't be any z fighting here… When I increase to 64bit the problem stays the same. Really weird. Guess I have to investigate.

Okay you were right, my near plane was nearly 0

Well, one possibility is that it has to do with your near- and far- planes: if you have one or both of a very small near-plane value or a very large far-plane value, then you may end up with depth-values clustering in a small part of the depth-spectrum. This may then result in artefacts, as there's little “space” within the cluster in which to differentiate fragments.

[edit] Ah, it seems that you responded while I was preparing my own response--and indeed, it seems that we came to much the same conclusion!

Well, I'm glad that you seem to have found the problem! ^_^


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

Yeah, so thank you for the educated guess. It helped a lot :D


I'm glad that it did so help! ^_^


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

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