Its simple. Tell me What is the most fun you ever had with a videogame?
Whats the most fun you ever had with a videogame?
Good question. I'll keep following in hope to find some inspiration.
Interestingly, to me having fun often was related to the evil side of my personality.
As a kid, i was playing New Zealand Story (jump'n'run) on C64. The game was very advanced, so i wanted to see it all, but it was unfair and frustrating.
So i took my Joystick, smashed it to ground and it broke to pieces. That was fun and a rewarding feeling. At least for a moment.
Later i loved the game MDK. Enemies are trolling you and pull faces. It's fun to shoot them an eye out.
It's also fun to take alarming droids out before they can do the alarm. Or you can take out a horde of sleeping enemies. Kill them with one precise headshot one after another, so they do not wake the others. Malicious… but so much fun.
Still playing this masterpiece.
In Half Life 2 i enjoyed to get advantage from stacking boxes so i can reach higher places to take out enemies easily. Malicious again.
The physics (sometimes) gave me opportunity to play the game the way i want, not only the way designers intend. This was never fully worked out in a game i know, but i really want to have this everywhere.
Similar opportunities showed later in Penumbra, which has even better physics.
I tried to break a door open using a wood plank as a lever. It was quite difficult to position and pull the lever properly, but it was possible. The door wiggled under the strong force, and it almost broke. Sadly it didn't.
Then i had to carry some explosive stuff. Rapid movement would make it explode, the game said. Thus i had the idea to cover gaps in the floor with planks, so i can walk over them and do not need to jump. What a nice puzzle. Sadly, later i saw that's not needed. You can just jump over the gaps. But again i felt creative and had fun regardless.
Another older game was Dreams To Reality, which had buggy and shitty physics. Thus i could glitch through walls, play somehow inside out, and take advantage. Initially i even thought the game was meant to be played that way, but it was not.
I think this is highly interesting stuff, because those options all did emerge from the world simulation, not from manual game design work. Only because of this my actions were truly creative, and felt super fun even more.
Unfortunately, such examples are really rare.
Please don't litter the rest of the forums with lounge questions.
Also to the mods/devs, why are lounge posts displayed on the front page?
🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.
I moved this thread to the Lounge. Fleabay, you can post site comments/ideas/suggestions in the GDNet Comments, Suggestions, and Ideas forum.
-- Tom Sloper --
@undefined I'm just playing cookie clicker and have bought too many upgrades. Seeing these upgrades make cookies on automation for me is such a satisfying view
Jacob Williams
Not a complete account of the fun times I've had playing video games but generally covers things:
- Playing games in a dark and noisy arcade hall with a seemingly unlimited supply of quarters courtesy of my parents.
- Renting a game from the video store, eating junk food, and staying up for some 40 hours straight trying to complete the game because back then they were saved on the cartridge rather than on the console.
- Staying up for some 20 hours straight playing the game I bought, having a few beers, and eating junk food.
- Playing Minecraft with my kids.