I've started a text game parser in JavaScript that's run by regex. Right now all the regex commands are firing perfect, but pose a single problem. The regex get confused if words are treated as optional. Are there any regex wizards here that can help debug the project? It's a free parser I'd like to use in my game and supply to others for free. It's already on Github, and have made small investments in debugging. Right now the bug may or may not stop my development of Other Realms.
The code is below, and feel free to read on Github.
// This is a very simple and lightweight parser that would be great for Browser or Electron/Node.js games. Also graphical text games.
// (opt) means optional word.
// License. 'Creative Commons' User may adapt, sell, provide as is, modify this code, and include in any project (commercial or otherwise.)
// Feel free to leave Jeremy Benson some credit if used.
// this parser may not be gramatically correct, though it works great.
function Parser() {
this.parsedCommand = {
"actionType": null,
"verb": null,
"indirectObject": null,
"directObject": null,
"preposition": null,
"error": false,
"errorMessages": {},
"angledCommand": false,
"command": ""
this.prepositionList = [
this.commandArray = [];
Parser.prototype.parse = function(command) {
if (this.parsedCommand.angledCommand == false) {
// commands are fed in like 'get the lamp'
// test for illegal character, if so throw error
let spChars = /[!@#$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?]+/;
if (spChars.test(command)) {
this.parsedCommand.errorMessages.specialCharacter = "command contains illegal character.";
} else {
this.parsedCommand.command = command;
this.commandArray = this.parsedCommand.command.split(" ");
} else {
// commands are fed in like <get the lamp>
// so strip the first and last character of the command
// test if opening bracket is missing
let openingBracket, terminatingBracket = false;
if (command.charAt(0) == '<') {
openingBracket = true;
} else {
this.parsedCommand.errorMessages.openingBracket = "command missing opening bracket";
// test if terminating bracket is missing
if (command.charAt(command.length - 1) == '>') {
terminatingBracket = true;
} else {
this.parsedCommand.errorMessages.terminatingBracket = "command missing terminating bracket";
if (Object.keys(this.parsedCommand.errorMessages).length === 0 &&
Object.getPrototypeOf(this.parsedCommand.errorMessages) === Object.prototype) {
this.parsedCommand.command = command.substring(1, command.length - 1);
let spChars = /[!@#$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.\/?]+/;
if (spChars.test(this.parsedCommand.command)) {
this.parsedCommand.errorMessages.specialCharacter = "command contains illegal character.";
} else {
this.commandArray = this.parsedCommand.command.split(" ");
// end angledCommand process
if (Object.keys(this.parsedCommand.errorMessages).length === 0 &&
Object.getPrototypeOf(this.parsedCommand.errorMessages) === Object.prototype) {
// test command for special character, if so throw error.
switch (this.commandArray[0]) {
// prepositions: (in|on|off|under|over|above|around|beside|behind|down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut)
// Prepositions help make regex queries unique, due to placement in sentence. Due to this preposition will not be a named capture group.
//01 <verb><indirectObject><preposition><directObj>
//02 <verb>to<indirectObj><preposition><directObj>
//03 <verb><preposition>of<directObj>
//04 <verb><preposition><directObj>
//05 <verb><directObjet><preposition>
//06 will catch a gramatical error
//07 <verb><indirectObj><preposition><directObj>
//08 <verb><directObj>
//01 'push the machine of the cliff' 'push machine off cliff'
//02 'yell to the lady about the job' 'yell to the at lady about the awful job'
//03 'look in back of the statue'
//04 'dance in the rain' 'dance in rain'
//05 'turn the red knob off'
//06 'turn the knob the machine'
//07 'push top off statue'
//08 'push the car' 'push car'
//09 'dance' 'map'
// BUG: there are not enough optional words. commands must be written in full in top cases. 'yell to the lady about the job' not 'yell to lady about job'
// BUG: if cases are treated as having optional words regexes get confused.
if (/^(?<verb>[^ $]*)( the) (?<indirectObject>.*?) (on|off|under|over|above|around|inside|beside|down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut)( the) (?<directObject>.*?)$/.test(command)) {
const matches = /^(?<verb>[^ $]*)( the) (?<indirectObject>.*?) (on|off|under|over|above|around|inside|beside|down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut)( the) (?<directObject>.*?)$/.exec(command);
this.parsedCommand.actionType = "<verb><indirectObject><preposition><directObj>";
this.parsedCommand.verb = matches.groups.verb;
this.parsedCommand.directObject = matches.groups.directObject;
this.parsedCommand.indirectObject = matches.groups.indirectObject;
this.parsedCommand.preposition = this.prepositionFetch(command, this.commandArray);
//this.parsedCommand.errorMessages.add({"fun error": "This is a test error."});
} else if (/^(?<verb>[^ $]*)( to)( the) (?<indirectObject>.*?) (on|off|under|over|above|around|inside|beside|down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut)( the) (?<directObject>.*?)$/.test(command)) {
const matches = /^(?<verb>[^ $]*)( to)( the) (?<indirectObject>.*?) (on|off|under|over|above|around|inside|beside|down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut)( the) (?<directObject>.*?)$/.exec(command);
this.parsedCommand.actionType = "<verb>to<indirectObj><preposition><directObj>";
this.parsedCommand.verb = matches.groups.verb;
this.parsedCommand.directObject = matches.groups.directObject;
this.parsedCommand.indirectObject = matches.groups.indirectObject;
this.parsedCommand.preposition = this.prepositionFetch(command, this.commandArray);
} else if (/^(?<verb>[^ $]*) (in|on|off|under|over|above|around|inside|beside|behind|in front|in back|down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut) of( the)? (?<directObject>.*?)$/.test(this.parsedCommand.command)) {
// this case will capture 'in back' and 'in front' for 'look in back of dresser'
// in front and in back are not inluded in preposition list or any other regex.
const matches = /^(?<verb>[^ $]*) (in|on|off|under|over|above|around|inside|beside|behind|in front|in back|down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut) of( the)? (?<directObject>.*?)$/.exec(this.parsedCommand.command);
this.parsedCommand.actionType = "<verb><preposition>of<directObj>";
this.parsedCommand.verb = matches.groups.verb;
this.parsedCommand.directObject = matches.groups.directObject;
if (this.parsedCommand.command.indexOf('in back') >= 1) {
this.parsedCommand.preposition = 'in back';
} else if (this.parsedCommand.command.indexOf('in front') >= 1) {
this.parsedCommand.preposition = 'in front';
} else {
this.parsedCommand.actionType = null;
this.parsedCommand.verb = null;
this.parsedCommand.indirectObj = null;
this.parsedCommand.directObj = null;
this.parsedCommand.error = true;
this.parsedCommand.errorMessages.prepositional = "unable to determine preposition.";
} else if (/^(?<verb>[^ $]*) (in|on|off|under|over|above|around|inside|beside|behind|down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut)( the)? (?<directObject>.*?)$/.test(this.parsedCommand.command)) {
const matches = /(?<verb>[^ $]*) (in|on|off|under|over|above|around|inside|beside|behind|down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut)( the)? (?<directObject>.*?)$/.exec(this.parsedCommand.command);
this.parsedCommand.actionType = "<verb><preposition><directObj>";
this.parsedCommand.verb = matches.groups.verb;
this.parsedCommand.directObject = matches.groups.directObject;
this.parsedCommand.preposition = this.prepositionFetch(this.parsedCommand.command, this.commandArray);
} else if (/^(?<verb>[^ $]*)( the) (?<indirectObject>.*?) (in|on|off|under|over|above|around|inside|beside|behind|down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut)$/.test(this.parsedCommand.command)) {
const matches = /(?<verb>[^ $]*)( the)? (?<directObject>.*?) (in|on|off|under|over|above|around|inside|beside|behind|down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut)/.exec(this.parsedCommand.command);
this.parsedCommand.actionType = "<verb><directObj><preposition>";
this.parsedCommand.verb = matches.groups.verb;
this.parsedCommand.directObject = matches.groups.directObject;
this.parsedCommand.preposition = this.prepositionFetch(this.parsedCommand.command, this.commandArray);
} else if (/^(?<verb>[^ $]*) the (?<indirectObject>.*?) the (?<directObject>.*?)$/.test(this.parsedCommand.command)) {
// this will catch a grammar error
// if this is not included a regex will get confuse
// 'press the red button the machine' will catch here.
const matches = /^(?<verb>[^ $]*) the (?<indirectObject>.*?) the (?<directObject>.*?)$/.exec(this.parsedCommand.command);
this.parsedCommand.actionType = null;
this.parsedCommand.verb = null;
this.parsedCommand.indirectObj = null;
this.parsedCommand.directObj = null;
this.parsedCommand.error = true;
this.parsedCommand.errorMessages.gramatical = "a grammar problem in comamnd.";
} else if (/^(?<verb>[^ $]*) (?<indirectObject>.*?) (on|off|under|over|above|around|inside|beside|behind|down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut)( the)? (?<directObject>.*?)$/.test(this.parsedCommand.command)) {
const matches = /^(?<verb>[^ $]*) (?<indirectObject>.*?) (on|off|under|over|above|around|inside|beside|behind||down|up|with|across|from|at|to|for|about|open|opened|close|closed|shut)( the)? (?<directObject>.*?)$/.exec(this.parsedCommand.command);
this.parsedCommand.actionType = "<verb><indirectObj><preposition><directObj>";
this.parsedCommand.verb = matches.groups.verb;
this.parsedCommand.directObject = matches.groups.directObject;
this.parsedCommand.indirectObject = matches.groups.indirectObject;
this.parsedCommand.preposition = this.prepositionFetch(this.parsedCommand.command, this.commandArray);
} else if (/^(?<verb>[^ $]*)( the)? (?<directObject>.*?)$/.test(this.parsedCommand.command)) {
const matches = /^(?<verb>[^ $]*)( the)? (?<directObject>.*?)$/.exec(this.parsedCommand.command);
this.parsedCommand.actionType = "<verb><directObj>";
this.parsedCommand.verb = matches.groups.verb;
this.parsedCommand.directObject = matches.groups.directObject
} else if (/^(?<verb>[^ $]*)$/.test(this.parsedCommand.command)) {
// In this case single word commands may not be verbs, but will be stored in verb.
// Ie: 'map' as apposed to 'run'
const matches = /(?<verb>[^ $]*)/.exec(this.parsedCommand.command);
this.parsedCommand.actionType = "<verb>";
this.parsedCommand.verb = matches.groups.verb;
// error handle, verb must be one word, not multiword
if (this.commandArray.length >= 1) {
// there are too many words for this case to be error free, so throw error.
//this.parsedCommand.errorMessages.unshift({"verb error":"verb not understood"});
this.parsedCommand.actionType = "<verb>";
this.parsedCommand.verb = null;
this.parsedCommand.indirectObj = null;
this.parsedCommand.directObj = null;
this.parsedCommand.error = true;
// end parse
return this.parsedCommand;
// end parse function
// This function will return preposition used in command
// remove function if not needed
Parser.prototype.prepositionFetch = function(command, commandArray) {
// every command version except 05 and 06 have a preposition.
let preposition = "";
for (let i = 0; i <= this.prepositionList.length - 1; i++) {
if (commandArray.indexOf(this.prepositionList[i]) >= 0) {
preposition = this.prepositionList[i];
return preposition;
// end preposition fetch
Parser.prototype.setAngledCommand = function(state) {
this.parsedCommand.angledCommand = state;