
SVOGI Implementation Details

Started by January 30, 2022 11:47 AM
121 comments, last by Josh Klint 2 years, 5 months ago

I'm on the last leg of my implementation of sparse voxel octree global illumination. Currently I am working on the specular reflection. I'm seeing reflections that look like below:

This is using a single cone sample along the reflection vector. (To do GI, you would take several cone samples along the surface normal.)

My question is how do I take the reflection data I have and turn that into a soft pleasing approximation of specular reflection? All the material I have read skips over this part of the implementation. I understand the technique isn't exact and there is a bit of artistry required here, but how to improve this?

10x Faster Performance for VR:

Josh Klint said:
but how to improve this?

First i'd try to get rid of the banding.
The standard solution would be Monte Carlo integration of multiple samples. Which you can do temporally to still use just one sample per pixel per frame. This turns the banding into noise.
To smooth out the noise there is the option of temporal accumulation in screenspace using motion vectors and reprojection of the previous frame, which might be free if you use TAA anyway.
That's enough for sharp reflections. For glossy reflections / GI you need a more advanced denoising filter, e.g. the spational + temporal methods they use in Quake2 RTX. Has papers and source, but there were different approaches claiming better performance as well.

For a solid foundation on MC integration of BRDF material parameters you can look up path tracing. I did this once to learn about PBR. It's not hard. I could implement a simple path tracer for perfect diffuse material even without looking up any papers or tutorials.
But a standard PBR material is more difficult, as the density distribution of rays to model things like fresnel becomes complicated. And while my results looked right, i was never sure if i do it correctly. Related papers (founded mostly on the works of Veach) are a bit hard for a guy lacking math background such as me. But it's interesting and fun.

You surely need to use some tricks, as a correct modeling of a smooth material (e.g. a mirror) would still give you the banding artifacts. So you'd need to cheat by using a minimum roughness value to avoid this, and make the mirror mo0re blurry than it should be. But aside of that, you can do it correctly and avoid the typical realtime hacks of the past.

Ofc. diffuse / rough materials cause incoherent rays so performance will be worse than mirrors, which brings us to the idea of using lower resolution and upscale the results.

I can't tell much resources, but i still have this tab open with the intend to steal @mjp ‘s approximate functions which don’t need texture LUTs. Would be an example for a path tracer:
And this seems also a very useful reference:
There are also one or two free ‘Ray Tracing Gems’ Ebooks from NV which look good.


What I found is that you can use the high-resolution voxels with a precise raycast, you can use the lower levels of detail with the cone step trace method, but you can't really use the lower LOD levels with the precise raycast. It hits the edges precisely, so it's going to give you sharp corners like above.

10x Faster Performance for VR:

Wow, looks very impressive.

Josh Klint said:
but you can't really use the lower LOD levels with the precise raycast. It hits the edges precisely, so it's going to give you sharp corners like above.

The first video looks like you pick the one principal axis which is most aligned with the ray, and then you treat the volume as planar slices along that axis. Reminded me on the terrain artifacts of voxel games like Outcast, but other voxel tracing implementations i saw don't have such artifacts.
Eventually you could refine the intersection once found, and project it to the actual solid voxel surface to get rid of the slices. A trilinear interpolation could be used to turn the hard switch between LODs into a smooth transition as well.

Crassins early work has all this as it seems:

JoeJ said:
(on getting rid of banding) The standard solution would be Monte Carlo integration of multiple samples

I would apply some noise to the offset of each individual ray instead, to avoid having to multisample.
Given, this may not be as pretty - but depending on what you're going for it might be plenty.

SuperVGA said:
I would apply some noise to the offset of each individual ray instead, to avoid having to multisample.

Another option. But when i wrote this yesterday, i did not realize the current bands seem a result of some slicing which probably should be improved first.
It's usual you can still spot individual voxels in reflections, often blurry, but this should look better than now. Further improvements might be more optional after that.


I think the banding was due to an insufficient offset from the triangle, to make sure we are outside the starting voxel. Imagine a triangle a few centimeters below the top face of the voxel it is inside, the ray would hit its neighbor. The solution is to move the starting point of the ray to whichever face of the voxel the triangle points towards the most:

Here is the reflection using cone step tracing. There's lots of work to do still, but it basically works:

For comparison, here is the same scene using a single voxel raycast. This could be useful when the material roughness is low:

It really only makes sense to use the highest resolution voxels with the precise raycast.

10x Faster Performance for VR:

When you are calculating the sampling yourself instead of relying on a bilinear or trilinear texture filter, you can add some little tricks that make the sampling much more accurate.

The skybox actually should not be shown on most of the floor, but I know the solution and I just haven't worked it out yet. What is nice here is the ability to handle low angles but still pick up surfaces that are very close to the ground:

10x Faster Performance for VR:

I'm having a lot of performance problems trying to do cone step tracing with a sparse voxel octree. Traversing the octree and rolling my own trilinear sampling is prohibitively expensive. At the same time, performing 64 trilinear volume texture lookups on today's hardware is not a big problem. It might be possible that octree optimizations can overcome the cost of taking texture samples, but the code is very complicated and I have a lot of doubts about it.

I'm thinking about downsampling the sparse voxel data into mipmaps of a volume texture with half the resolution. So the highest resolution data would be stored in an octree structure, and then the downsampled data would be stored in the volume texture (with 1/8 the volume of what the full-res non-sparse octree would use).

This would retain the low memory bandwidth of the sparse octree, combined with the speed of the volume texture lookups, which seem to be quite a lot faster than anything else I can do.

10x Faster Performance for VR:

It's kinda depressing you face the usual problems, making volume texture a win over acceleration structures again. :(

But maybe you could use no filter at all, and do this in screenspace instead using TA and depth aware blur.
Has its own problems, though.

Edit: Crassins original approach allowed HW filter by using 3x3 volume blocks per node. It's data duplication, but elegant.
Larger blocks could be an interesting compromise as well.

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