
problem with redhat 7.2

Started by December 17, 2001 01:41 AM
19 comments, last by antistuff 22 years, 9 months ago
i recently installed redhat 7.2 on a computer via ftp. i just did it that morning to a laptop and it worked just fine, but on the computer after i install it it wont boot. i tried doing it again and using lilo instead of grub and it still wont work. the boot disk the installatoin makes doenst work either. i mention the laptop because that one is dual booted, where as the computer that wont work isnt. is there somthing different that i have to do because it isnt dual booted? im really stuck here. i even tried installing other distros. slackware and mandrake work fine (dont like them though want to use redhat). i also tried installing 7.1 thinking it would make a difference, but the same thing happens.
"won''t work" just doesn''t provide enough detail here.

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What does your MBR (master boot record) look like?

While installing, you should have created partitions for Linux (recommended minimum: swap, /, /usr, /home) and written them to the MBR. LILO or GRUB (both work perfectly) should then be able to locate your OS based on information in this record and boot from there.

As subnet_rx said, "wont work" isn''t enough information. Perhaps you fsck''d the installation somehow?

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
with a boot disk it looks liek this

Loading initrd............
Loading Linux..........Ready

and then stops

with lilo
Loading Linux..............
and then stops

and with grub it says somthing about grub entering stage 2 and then stops.

im gonna try again and see what happens maybe i messed somthing up like you suggested
tried again still wont work.
Look on your boot disk (or online) for a utility called fdisk; using it you can probe the status of the MBR and gain more detailed information. "Wont work" and "doesn''t work" (and even "still doesn''t work" ) are not rigid enough definitions for us to help you. We need more specifics.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
Can you get the GRUB command prompt?
Also, is this older hardware you''re installing on? What''s your computer you''ve installed onto?
it says "GRUB Loading stage2" and then the cursor just blinks on the next line.
The hardware is pretty new. AMD 550, 128 megs ram, nvidia vanta.

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