
Properly re-acquiring a DirectInput device for force feedback on focus loss

Started by January 15, 2022 03:23 PM
1 comment, last by ikt 3 years, 1 month ago


I've been adding steering wheel support for a game which doesn't support it, by writing a DLL which gets loaded when the game starts.

The basics work great - all kinds of DirectInput devices are supported and while the game is running, nothing feels wrong. However when alt-tabbing and losing focus, on a specific brand/wheel base (Fanatec CSL DD), the forces seem to randomly disappear for a few milliseconds and then come back, frequently, resulting in a very lumpy feeling FFB.

My current strategy is to figure out if the game window gets re-focused to un-acquire and re-acquire the device. This has worked great for most wheels from Logitech and Thrustmaster. Sadly, for this Fanatec, it seems to not work properly.

I've followed Microsoft's [DirectInput samples for FFConst (​ ), though I've had to deviate. The game application seems to request focus of connected devices, as I lose FFB when the game window gets focus back, even if I call SetCooperativeLevel with the DISCL_BACKGROUND flag.

Calling Unacquire and Acquire seems to be the only thing that works, though I can't seem to get the lumpiness to go away.

I'm kind of out of ideas, has anyone ever seen something similar and if so, any fix to this behavior?

The best I can do is "don't alt-tab if you've got a wheel from Fanatec", but that's not really a solution ;)

I ended up contacting Fanatec, and got suggested to use INFINITE for the effect duration. I used 500ms as a cheap workaround to stop the effect when the game is paused, as my plugin didn't have the plumbing to detect game pausing.

This solved the issue I was having.

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