I don't want to debate the effectiveness of masks or the seriousness of actually getting covid, there are a lot of perspectives on that, and people can get heated.
All I'm saying is trying to network in person, only seeing half the face, and maybe talking 6 feet apart will not be fun. Furthermore, SF has cracked down on forcing people to prove vaccine status to enter most buildings. While still masking. If GDC did something like having us all take a test, then allowing us to mingle without masks, I'd go. It's a big space. But it is indoors.
Networking is nice and all, but from my experience, if you don't have a product to show, or link people to check out online, it's a waste.
If your also recruiting for your studio, it can be cool, but most people here seem to be solo indie devs, spending the money on flights, food, hotel, is a trade off, it made more sense pre covid. and the direct value of face time and exhibition traffic to just get out there has gone up.
Everyone is gun shy, and it's not entirely GDC's fault that they need to do this.
What is in their control however, is to adjust the price proportional to the value they are giving, and the amount of hassles we would need to put up with. But knowing GDC, and knowing how big business and government thinks they won't do that, and just expect people to make more and more sacrifices all in the name of the grater good. For the same price point.
I wrote a story arc a while back, and one of the mantras was “For the good of the zone”, this was for a Command & conquer mod, And GDI was saying this over and over to justify the things they needed to do to preserve the environment, and protect it from Tiberium an alien crystal that damages everything. They were getting more and more fanatical with this line of thinking, which was to show the reversal of fortune they found themselves in, contrasted by Nod. which was originally meant to be the religious bad guys. This dynamic shift was meant to show the ultimate reversal of roles, as the western good guys got more and more fanatical, they were giving up what made them who they are.
If anyone is curious, here is the story: